Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Gap and go!
Dow gapped down and kept going, looks like it will gap up and just keep going.
Dowboys have retraced all but 17 points of yesterdays down move in the closed overnight session - while Japan was closed. 🙄
I think the Dows going up because the Yanks are buying construction stocks for when The Trump is President and he builds a wall around Amerika.
I think Europe is going down in preparation for The Trump nuking Russia on purpose and us by accident.
Model one
17651.505848 17748.21846 17559.272023 17648.607256
Model two
17706.563933 17804.076081 17621.124693 17721.092832

All ftse models
Close 6084

Not sure what the hell is going on
To be honest.
The last two weeks, I don't know what the hell is going on with prices.
The FOMC and Aussi central banks just nullified everything....models that are suppose to be wrong on certain days are correct models that are suppose to be correct are wrong. Gold spiking also destroyed my closing price predictions. 👎
fortunately prices are starting to look like they are stabilizing.
Memo to self:
Don't trade on central bank days and the day after
To be honest.
The last two weeks, I don't know what the hell is going on with prices.
The FOMC and Aussi central banks just nullified everything....models that are suppose to be wrong on certain days are correct models that are suppose to be correct are wrong. Gold spiking also destroyed my closing price predictions. 👎
fortunately prices are starting to look like they are stabilizing.
Memo to self:
Don't trade on central bank days and the day after

Maybe 'models' dont work and something else is affecting prices.
short 6153

Hi, Joseph and All, Don't you wait for pullbacks? I confess, this morning to having shorted FT earlier but my mistake was in pressing buy, instead of short. The result was a long gain of 12 points. It was a mistake, I promise----not a brilliant move of forsight on my part! I would not want any of you guys thinking that I was a smartass!😀

Anyway, Joseph, I was thinking of a short but, also, like pullbacks to go with them.