Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

You have to wonder what those yanks are smoking (mind you they've legalise marijuana now so that might not just be a phrase anymore).
Since world highs one year ago:
Dax down 21.5%
Ftse down 13%
Nikkei down 25%

Dow down 3.9%.

What a wonderfully prosperous place it must be in the US right now. :whistling
30 trades a day sounds a bit stressful. Only benefactor there is your broker. Not trade heavier for your 400 a day, eg risk 175 for 400 or something?
The only reason I can see for the Dow going UP pre market is that its going to go down when the market opens.
When the Dow was open for trading on Friday it went down for over 5 hours.
Before its even open today its made 90% of that back. 🙄
...shorting this at your own peril 😱


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