Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

second standard deviation was at 6177, as in this should have been the high for the day give or take 5 points. It would be borderline crisis or really good news for the ftse to close above the second deviation......given the uncertainty shown by the feds I would not call their backing off of interest rate hikes as good news....just means free money will continue to accelerate the artificial sentiment.

So the continuation of this up move is less 'technically/predictable' driven and more a Relief rally. If this is the case, then Volatility is Too Low. So start selling Out of the money strangles on the feebler/weaker stocks, inside the Footsie. At least you would get paid for Theta element of been 'Short'.
second standard deviation was at 6177, as in this should have been the high for the day give or take 5 points. It would be borderline crisis or really good news for the ftse to close above the second deviation......given the uncertainty shown by the feds I would not call their backing off of interest rate hikes as good news....just means free money will continue to accelerate the artificial sentiment.

It's not backing off interest rate hikes, it is a full out currency war, race to the bottom. Sounds like a great plan until the Asian economies struggle with the dollar and look to devalue and we can be back to Jan 1st/last August pretty quickly.
Nothing good going on at the moment in the real world for sure.
At the moment, we only see some warning signs. But if the S & P breaks the area of ​​2020 and the DAX the 9750 this will power up a correction, at least in the short term.
If wages continue to increase, its growth will lead many Americans to increase consumption and thus trigger a general increase in prices of goods. T
Whats the betting the Yanks ignore the rest of the world and just go straight up from the open. Dow 18,000 today, would not surprise me. Mad b@stards.
Whats the betting the Yanks ignore the rest of the world and just go straight up from the open. Dow 18,000 today, would not surprise me. Mad b@stards.

Is anyone in the least bit surprised by this?

If so, dont give up the day job!
Whats the betting the Yanks ignore the rest of the world and just go straight up from the open. Dow 18,000 today, would not surprise me. Mad b@stards.

Postman, you just leave them Yanks alone😡, if they're going to make us some money, then they can do whatever they want:clap:

As what goes up must eventually come down 😎😆
Every stock market in the world (give me some poetic licence here) goes DOWN, and the S&P rallies 20 points on the open.

Were all seeing this right? 🙄