Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Big day tomorrow - no idea what Draghi can/will say that he hasn't said already... Dax closing pretty much where it started off.
Investors are positioning themselves for the realization of the ECB meeting tomorrow. This position will be seen in the stock market as well as in the currency and bond markets.
If he does do / say anything too drastic i reckon we'll get an initial rally, and then probably a 200+ point sell off.

I think after the last time he should have learnt a lesson from over promising and no delivery.

But hey, who knows! Could be a fun afternoon especially fx markets.
Well....very interesting couple of years I say,
The idea of QE was to have all western nations following the same cuts....if he does do the QE it will signal the Euro is in a currency war with the US since the US will raise rates at least one more time this year.
US markets closed with modest gains, which were mainly due to the rise in the oil sector, resulting from the sharp increase in crude price. The Department of Energy revealed that US oil reserves rose by 3.88 million barrels, a variation above 3.17 million estimated. After this increase, the American oil reserves reached the highest level since the decade of 30. However, for the 3rd consecutive week, gasoline stocks suffered a bending, this time of 4.52 million barrels (estimated – 1.49 million). To this information were added the statements of the Iraqi Minister of Petroleum who said OPEC members and other producers outside the cartel will meet in Moscow on 20 March. The other sectors did not experience significant changes, except the biotechnology companies which declined throughout the session, ending with a loss of 1.15%. Today, attention on Wall Street will focus on the reaction of European markets to the ECB meeting .
Interest rates 0% and going negative.

Dax up 300 from its lows ftse up 30 on the day. 😆
Moments ago the ECB announced not only a 10 bps cut to the deposit rate expected pushing it to -40%, but also announced a 5 bp rate cut to the refinance (pushing it to 0.00%) and the marginal lending rate (now at 0.25%), and also boosted QE by €20bn to €80 billion per month, the addition of afour new targeted TLTROs each with a maturity of 4 years, but the most surprising announcement was that the ECB would also for the first time include investment grade euro-denominated bonds issued by non-bank corporations along the list of assets that are eligible for regular purchases.

We've been lowering interest rates and dishing out qe for years but the economy is still sh1t, so now were going to lower interest rates and do even moar qe. 🙄
Don't get many days like today - long or short - hope you all got some in!
Also because of the strong flow little opportunity for falsies/manipulation.
Best day of the year so far - and I missed some of the action up and down.
Actually watched the 10am finance show on tip tv which I don't normally do as I was sitting on my hands at the time - and they provided quite a good summary of the likely action!