Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I'm feeling (marginally) less worried after I closed at 952 and got back in at 990 for the short.

We'll see.

Good call. I will hold onto current short position for longer term (assuming wide stop doesn't get hit). Market makers must be cleaning up today - Anyone know what's driving the market?


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FTSE giving birth....I am going to grimly hold onto the short in spite of temptations to improve todays (P)&L....
... Anyone know what's driving the market?

FOMC minutes out at 7pm.

Perhaps the markets are hoping the language says they will lower rates later in the year.
You wait till its clear rates only go UP from here.
just staring at the aud usd
wasn't suppose to go above 7155, bit confused. Should find out in one hour with updated price targets for dow. If it states the same down direction this is essentially a set up for a heist
FOMC minutes out at 7pm.

Perhaps the markets are hoping the language says they will lower rates later in the year.
You wait till its clear rates only go UP from here.

Or maybe its a chart pattern?

Who knows whats driving it up could be any number of things - its just going up, deal with it!


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Those algos couldnt get the stops while the market was open so theyre gunning for them now its closed.
Who knows where it will end.