Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

At a time when many investors fear about the growth of the American economy, because of the weakness of other economies, the signal given by retail sales is comforting for two reasons. The first is that retail sales account for about a third of private consumption, which in turn corresponds to 70% of GDP. The second is that after several months, the American consumer seems to have a greater propensity to consume, justified by the increase in wages and the positive effect of fuel price drop in their disposable income.
Thats bad news on the Empire State Manufacturing Index
Dow doesnt close down on bad news.
If it hits near 0 for the day buy it.
Thats bad news on the Empire State Manufacturing Index
Dow doesnt close down on bad news.
If it hits near 0 for the day buy it.
Conclusion for the day
never trade on ftse on mondays or fridays or after a holiday in us
all errors on my algo are on these days
that is if u use correlation with us markets
If several central banks engage in negative interest rates, we will be able to watch a currency war in which each country tries to devalue the most of their currency in order to gain a competitive advantage in terms of exports.
Well I'm waiting for this uptrend to break before going short. Should be soon.


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Oil seems to like the noises its hearing from Russia about a deal. Could push ftse higher...
But we all know the Russians have a vested interest in 'talking' up the price of crude.
My view is that all these meetings are just fluff - to cause the price to ricochet back and forth a bit more and give those not in the know some "hope".

Iran will pump as much as it can, it's been under sanctions for so long and is so strapped for cash simply *any* USD per barrel they get is worth it to them!

In addition now the whole US shale oil is allegedly finally "struggling", what would be the point in the Saudis holding up their plan of flooding the market with cheap oil now? (this point taken from the ft!)