Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

What odds there be cutting rates by the end of next year.

Didn't work in Aussie and Kiwi land by raising them, even with so called good data.

Guess Counter V did not know Janet that well.

That image is wrong in so many ways. 🤢


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i said higher u said i was stupid basically why do you need statements

Well it's very simple but I will explain. It doesn't matter a jot about someone being right or wrong. The question is....did we make any money? So if the answer is no, then there is a gap between conviction and acting and profiting on that conviction.

So, you saw my statements, so lets see yours and if not forthcoming, then I will have to conclude that you didn't make a dime ! 🙂
The more cyclical sectors and more dependent on the weakness of the Euro (such as automotive, industrial, etc.) should register a over-performance. In terms of indices, the DAX is the most benefited from the weakness of the European currency. The mining sector recorded a sharp appreciation in the Asian session but if such a move be extended during the European session, the recovery is likely to be volatile and once again dependent on oil prices.
If you thought the Dow and dax were rough, the Nikkei jumped 500 points last night then fell 800.
We live in interesting times.
The decision of the Central Bank started a new cycle in US monetary policy. For six years, benchmark interest rates remained at historically unprecedented levels in a range between 0% and 0.25%. Now, with the increase decided on Wednesday begins a new upward phase of the interest rate, which is supposed to be more gradual than the previous. Typically, increases in interest rates are considered unfavorable to equity markets. However, the history of stock markets reveals a different pattern.