Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

In recent weeks, the DAX has overperformed compared to its European peers. The main reason for this behavior is related to the weak expression that mining and oil companies have in the German index. The overperformance has been based on the good performance of more cyclical stocks such as chemical, automotive and industrial companies. Favoring these sectors is the fact that the Chinese slowdown have already been incorporated in the outlook of investors and the weakness of the Euro. However, in the short term, falling European currency begins to reach extreme levels, so it is not to exclude the possibility of a more technical recovery. If such a scenario materializes, the overperformance of the DAX may be interrupted.
So let me get this straight.
-Dow was open yesterday and the trading range was 53 points.
-Dow is currently closed and its a US bank holiday and its already up 80 points.

They're just messin' with our heads.
I wouldn't be surprised if it had been mandated that the S&P MUST be at 2100 on thanksgiving day.
And no little thing like a war between NATO and Russia should get in the way of that. :whistling

I'm seeing 2099.xx depending on your SB and its only 4.45 in the morning on thanksgiving day.

Good to know the US of A operates a free market where a fair price is determined by all participants. :whistling
US markets ended without major fluctuations, with the Dow Jones recording the lowest intraday variation of this year. During the first phase of the session, investors reacted to various economic data. After the reaction to economic indicators, many fund managers prepared for the Action Day of Thanksgiving that will usher in a prolonged weekend, to the extent that on Friday the session on Wall Street will be shorter, so many investors are away from their trading rooms. Today is Thanksgiving Day, which is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of November.
Where do they get these prices from - oh yeah they make them up so THEY are not losing money , just us.


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Fair value is -23 which is what IG are offering.
Intertrader are the ones ripping you off today.
Fair value is still 23.6 and the prices are now the same !

Money in the bank.


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Yesterday, US markets were closed, to celebrate the Thanksgiving Day. Today, the session will be shorter, ending at 18h00 (GMT). The day is called Black Friday, which marks the official start of the Christmas Season sales, which coincides with the most profitable period of the retail chains. In recent years, with the expansion of online sales the importance of Black Friday has been losing some importance for Cyber ​​Monday. At the economic level, the Christmas sales is usually a good barometer of the mood of American consumers and as such are one of the factors that influence the equity market during the month of December. Purchases during this period are accompanied almost daily by analysts and are fairly disclosed in the financial media, by conditioning the performance of stock markets. The Association of American retailers estimates growth of 3.50% of sales compared to the same period last year. At the Statistical level since 1928, the S & P appreciated by 68% of the time during Black Fridays, with an average rise slightly less than 0.27%.