Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I'd say quite a bit higher than average?

I normally trade anywhere from £2/point to £10/point on the ftse - when I have pyramided in I've gone as high as £300/point. Unintentionally I traded £500/point on the ftse when I switched from spreadbets to CFDs, that cost me £6k in a few seconds :/

Biggest intentional dax trade was 10 contracts, so 250 EUR/point, I held onto that trade for about 7 points then bottled it 😱

The closer ftse gets to 6000 (or dax to 10500) it's my intention to be buying multiple high value call options (via CFDs and spreadbets) with the intention of riding the coattails of any possible "santa rally "- I aim to document them on this thread.

I'm really getting into options and would welcome any input from others who use them to trade the indexes...
As long as you are in your comfort zone thats the main thing.No stress👍
Just my opinion but if your short Ftse Dax Dow this is your last chance before Christmas to close them.

Less than 30 minutes.
I guess I'm not the only one thinking this way. 😉

Mr TopStep ‏@MrTopStep 2m2 minutes ago
$ES_F $SPX $SPY 09:48:06 TRADINGDATA2: oppertunity to buy cheap weekly calls
09:48:20 TRADINGDATA2: (driley) buyers filtering back in
Looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnng everything.



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Its early November... yet I don't feel very festive :/
Waiting for the blood to really make the streets extra slippy.

Still running dax 10650 & ftse 6100 puts which expire friday pm, fingers crossed for an almighty tank so I end up the week at breakeven 😈

Out of dax put for scratch, will re-enter at a better price if I get it, she was up nicely at one point but I was away on the phone. have to watch them like a bloody hawk.
Ftse put still running.

Opened up a couple of "Santa rally" calls, expiry December 18th;

ftse 6400 call @34.0 ask, 2.5 contracts (equiv £25/point) - max risk £850
ftse 6600 call @6.0 ask, 5 contracts (equiv £50/point) - max risk £600 (very OTM I know)

Will no doubt add a couple more calls if we drop further.

Bought some leveraged ftse ETFs for longer term.