I'd say quite a bit higher than average?
I normally trade anywhere from £2/point to £10/point on the ftse - when I have pyramided in I've gone as high as £300/point. Unintentionally I traded £500/point on the ftse when I switched from spreadbets to CFDs, that cost me £6k in a few seconds :/
Biggest intentional dax trade was 10 contracts, so 250 EUR/point, I held onto that trade for about 7 points then bottled it 😱
The closer ftse gets to 6000 (or dax to 10500) it's my intention to be buying multiple high value call options (via CFDs and spreadbets) with the intention of riding the coattails of any possible "santa rally "- I aim to document them on this thread.
I'm really getting into options and would welcome any input from others who use them to trade the indexes...