Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

In the pre-opening, European equities were negotiating with some valuations. The volume should be lower because of the US stock market holiday. Even considering this factor and given the relative stability of Asian markets, it is not excluded that the volatility is lower than that seen in recent weeks. Technically, as DAX remain at higher levels than 9930, the recovery which began on August 21 remains valid. Importantly, if the current recovery continues, it is expected to be very volatile in nature and short term. Investors face many uncertainties for now, fact that prevent the stock markets to find stability at the medium term. For these reasons investors should not exclude downward movements.
You would think this rate of upward movement couldnt be sustained.
But these are the Dowboys, they can do anything, they're mad as ...


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Almost forgot to mention, that perfectly linear rise must be due to all those yanks who got home early from their holiday and bought the index futures in a nice linear fashion.
Couldnt be anything else could it?
It was yanks waking up in their different timezones stretched across the country which evened out and padded-out the buying 😛

sometimes @postman you are just too cynical for your own good!
It seems to have stopped now, including the Dax.
Nothing doing until 1.30 when the yanks tell Europe what to do, early lunch today.
In the pre-opening, European equities were negotiating with some valuations, which could be an important clue in face of the disappointing indicators of the Chinese economy. These negative data did not cause a significant shock to Asian stocks, resilience which should spread to European markets. Metals were another asset that initiated a rise in the Asian session. Therefore, it is expected that, at least in the early hours, mining shares to extend the climb initiated yesterday, led by Glencore and Antofagasta, two securities listed in London. Against this background, it is not excluded that as noted yesterday, the Indexes of Central Europe present an over-performance against its Iberian peers.