Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dax has been down 50 and up 70 in the first 8 minutes.
Flip a coin. Its as good as anything else ATM.
European markets started the session slightly lower. Yesterday, Greece announced that it will not now repay 310 M.€ to the IMF, and also advance that can concentrate the payment of the remaining 1300 M.€ that has to be carried out during June at the end of the month. The Greek Prime Minister said that the proposal of creditors does not constitute a starting point for an understanding. This decision does not imply a breach or default. The infringement procedure is often long and complex. The first consequence of a failure to pay the IMF will suspend any additional funding to Greece. However, this institution provides the debtor a “grace period”, which extends to the end of month, during which debts can be settled. The issue regarding payment of today is not so much be considered a default or not but the signaling that is sent to financial markets.
Yay! forget Greece! Europe saved by US employment stats !

Don't think so!

EU now clinching buttocks for Fed rate hike.

Rising hourly earnings, falling productivity, increase in Payroll => inflationary pressure and rate increase.

Bet Lagarde new the numbers before hand, hence, the pretty please request. That's real sly that is 🙂
OMGoodness 🙂

DOW's finally relinquished 18000s... Was there some talk of taking 20000? :cheesy:

Day is still young... I'm sure I'll be eating my marzipan hat by the evening 🙂
mmmm love marzipan 🙂

Try one of these with coffee 🙂

Waitrose sell'em.


Or were you more interested in mi hat :cheesy: