Down another 80 points in 7 minutes. Its all good fun.
Long dax 860 bet it closes down 10 today.
The situation in Greece will continue to be a source of volatility. Yesterday when it was reported that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had carried out a reshuffle of the team is in talks with Brussels Group (IMF / EU / ECB) European markets reversed the initial negative trend, recovering about 1% in less than one hour. Even the Greek yields suffering an increase (because of the Eurogroup meeting outcome) reversed this pattern, ending the day lower. The government in Athens announced that the coordination of negotiations will be delivered to number two in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Euclid Tsakalotos. In diplomatic circles, Tsakalotos, an economist with a PhD at Oxford, is considered more conciliatory and more flexible than the Minister of Finance Varoufakis.
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