Here we go fast and furious 100 point fall on Dow.
everything i have is pointing to a 17700-ish long, im looking out...
Ah heres one! 😀
:whistling I am now short DAX and Long DOW, will see if i am blowing my account tomorrow....
is a dragon a buy or sell
Dragon buy now and sell 17810
DAX bounced back to consensus area again but could not get into yellow area....
DAX seems to be heading to 11380-11400
Jessi, I have got to say the way you drew those lines appear to be done to justify your view of the market and not in an objective way.
Hard to fight the dax after all the turbulence it is only 60 points shy of its peak and it had many chances to go down and stay down. A good dax chart is a EUR/US chart and turn it upside down and it overlays rather well and they say that is going to parity.
As we said yesterday short s&p and buy dax is the trade for many weeks out and no real stress. Short the dax at your peril!