Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

eurusd 60 min
risk is off until we break that trend
at this point the trend test lies in 1.2100 area
we could recoil from oversold or bad nfp/fomc minutes
we can then adjust the parameters to see where we lie
I got out of jail yesterday with some nice strong price movement in the afternoon after loosing more than I was happy with in the morning. It was a tough days trading for me but after the early loses I was happy to break even on the day. :)

What are your thoughts for Monday's trading on the US30, UK100 and the mighty DAX everyone.

Am I right in thinking volume will be high if not at least back up to decent levels on Monday as the big players get back to business.
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YM into next week
60 min data
some areas marked
there are a few other levels of horizontal s/r
could go either way
possibly the most important is that the bulls need to be tested as we are in a risk off climate


might need to keep an eye on eurusd.there are big res areas at 1.2100 and 1.2200 should recoil from that 1.2000....risk off if 1.2000 is a res on 60 min.
for once stock indices might follow the risk on or risk off scenario
my opinion
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ES 60 min data
plotting the 60 min close price gave us the clearer picture

we are at trend supp/aqua
trend supp underneath at 2037 and 2030 areas
2062 res/red
we might have a decent recoil if eurusd bounces..imho

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eurusd we are looking for res areas into next week...if we get a bounce from 1.2000
even if it moves down a bit,these areas are valid

1.2250-1.2300 is the real dog zone
dax futs 60
bounced at horizontal supp/yellow,then came back down and testing the aqua trendline
res above at 9825/horizontal and trend res/red nearby

I got out of jail yesterday with some nice strong price movement in the afternoon after loosing more than I was happy with in the morning. It was a tough days trading for me but after the early loses I was happy to break even on the day. :)

What are your thoughts for Monday's trading on the US30, UK100 and the mighty DAX everyone.

Am I right in thinking volume will be high if not at least back up to decent levels on Monday as the big players get back to business.
fx should be the guide,especially eurusd...then we get fomc and nfp manipulations
ftse is different..oil/commods stocks
into the open
30 min gives a clearer picture
2 down moves/red
second is testing prev supp/purple horizontal
trend res above and green horizontal supp
looks to want to test that 9850 area/res
there is a stack of horizontal res could test any of those
lets see what happens
otherwise down we go and test 9690 again

Es 15 min
areas to watch

2 downtrends found on closer inspection
minor uptrend also formed/green

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morning everyone,

buy trigger should give some nice action , 17,871 since index has reading of 2% bullishness.
Its not like the Germans ramped the dax up to the high at 9am to paint a good number on the hourly chart.

Is it?