Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

What better way to get top dollar for your scam (sorry I mean IPO) than to float at an all time high!
The timing is incredibly fortuitous dont you think?
And they had to change the date earlier in the year (probably the rumble in the Ukraine getting in the way).
Those US guys certainly know how to put on a good show.
What better way to get top dollar for your scam (sorry I mean IPO) than to float at an all time high!
The timing is incredibly fortuitous dont you think?
And they had to change the date earlier in the year (probably the rumble in the Ukraine getting in the way).
Those US guys certainly know how to put on a good show.

some worked out well, goog floated at 100, went up 10 fold.

FB at 45 went to 78 ish

GOOG float CNBC were warning about the valuation, thanks CNBC for the heads up
Discipline – The key to profit from your advantage

The primary goal of the aspiring trader who initiates the first steps in the financial markets, should be to establish a trading strategy whose performance is consistently good.
The ability to create, maintain and improve this strategy, which in turn, will allow us to develop a career in this field, is directly related to consistency. Consistency in performance comes from the control and effectiveness of decision making in times of extreme pressure and emotion in the markets, nowadays very frequent, given the macro economic divergences we currently face.
I think it will pan out like the dax. Mooch around kicking the floor pretending nothing is happening, then 3 minutes before the close make a bolt for the high. :rolleyes: