Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


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I went long on Dax yesterday after the close when it hit 9750 after hours and closed last night.
I'm going long again around the 9750 level today.
I think that title goes to Doomberg... have to say I did find your reaction to him strange. Yes he was taking crazy gambles, but it does look to most of us like they were genuine - yet you seemed to have a very averse reaction to the guy winning money. Strange...

I had never come across Doomy before, to start with I thought he was one of those crazies you know the ones they come out from under a stone every 6 months shouting Dow is xx,xxx the sky is falling, end of the world stuff.
Then I looked at his previous posts, he has form, he gambled the Dow was going to fall from 13,600 We all know how that worked out.
Then when he wrote "It's not coin tossing, some of my analysis has been great... In fact in one of my journals I had 16 wins in a row and then I blew my account the next day " I was sure it was a wind up. Classic how not to do it stuff.

When he posted an account statement I wrote "My last word on the subject.
Doomy if you did win £50k good luck to you mate go and have a good time on it.
I just couldnt risk £10k on a gamble with a bucket shop (a big shiny one but nonetheless a bucketshop). We have different views on trading and I'll leave it at that. "

Each to his own, good luck to him.
I thought it was 9750 ?

Or do you just make predictions both ways and choose the one that fits? ;)

Saw that move up from 9762 and thought that was heavy buying. Not going to mess around for 12 points when there's 220 on a plate in front of me.

Just need the Dow to play ball this afternoon, she usually does.
Long Dax 9775 stop 9755.
Lets see how high she can get this week (or low).
Crucial what Dow does on open.
Looking at DAX - there is still that divergence making me think of longs only. Wouldn't buy it now as I'm not sure how low it can go atm:rolleyes:
I'm a buyer at 41 / 44

Thats a snappy signature ...
"Technical analysis will prove statistically valid over time and price action will make you profitable intraday, a combination of both will make you a powerful trader."

I wish I'd thought of that. :whistling
Thats a snappy signature ...
"Technical analysis will prove statistically valid over time and price action will make you profitable intraday, a combination of both will make you a powerful trader."

I wish I'd thought of that. :whistling

You will Oscar, you will. :cool: