Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

time to play with my new toy, not it's not one of those new age male s£x toys :cool:, just took delivery of my new phone LG G3.:clap::clap:


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Amazing strength in the Dow, its about 0.5% off its all time high, currently the made up spread bet numbers show it to be ABOVE 17,000. And, its turnaround Tuesday, I wouldn't want to be short that.

Dax has had a wobble over the Industrial production numbers, but that seems to be 'factored in' now.
Its all up from here.

Why do you think I close my shorts ;)

I think the DAX will go up from here but the DOW, S&P and NASDAQ will struggle today. I am looking for a good entry point to short the DOW on open.
2 points at £400 per point, you could get 2 phones! (y)

haha, too rich for my blood and my bank account. I'm trading between £2pp and £5pp. I've kept my account small over the past few months by taking profit out but I'm now just going to leave it in and grow it for the next 6 months and then take it all out before xmas!
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haha, too rich for my blood and my bank account. I'm trading between £2pp and £5pp. I've kept my account small over the past few months by taking profit out but I'm not just going to leave it in and grow it for the next 6 months and then take it all out before xmas!

That has been my custom for many years, The trouble is that you (or at least, me) do not get rich that way! I'm still in the game, though. I'm going through a bad patch these past few months, though, and I can't shake it off.
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That has been my custom for many years, The trouble is that you (or at least, me) do not get rich that way! I'm still in the game, though. I'm going through a bad patch these past few months, though, and I can't shake it off.

All depends how greedy you get or how you define 'rich'. My aim is to cover my mortgage payment through the trading each month.

That's not going to 'define me as rich' but I also have a quite well paying day job. Sometimes I look at it like this, I take the amount of money I make trading and divide by 60% to uplift it for 40% tax I would have paid had I made that money on top of my salary. Then I work out an overall salary figure. Even though I'm only making a little every month it is a significant boost to my salary level.

I don't think I will ever have the guts to give up my day job to do this fulltime. I'll never make enough money as I don't have enough capital for an account that big.
i thought it was going to take off there after a period of consolidation, but I guess it's not finished taking a break!
All depends how greedy you get or how you define 'rich'. My aim is to cover my mortgage payment through the trading each month.

That's not going to 'define me as rich' but I also have a quite well paying day job. Sometimes I look at it like this, I take the amount of money I make trading and divide by 60% to uplift it for 40% tax I would have paid had I made that money on top of my salary. Then I work out an overall salary figure. Even though I'm only making a little every month it is a significant boost to my salary level.

I don't think I will ever have the guts to give up my day job to do this fulltime. I'll never make enough money as I don't have enough capital for an account that big.

The only way to leave your day job is consistent gain + Compounding. You need only 10 points daily for a financial freedom. The problem is with our emotions we screwed up ourself by opening low probability trades.
All depends how greedy you get or how you define 'rich'. My aim is to cover my mortgage payment through the trading each month.

That's not going to 'define me as rich' but I also have a quite well paying day job. Sometimes I look at it like this, I take the amount of money I make trading and divide by 60% to uplift it for 40% tax I would have paid had I made that money on top of my salary. Then I work out an overall salary figure. Even though I'm only making a little every month it is a significant boost to my salary level.

I don't think I will ever have the guts to give up my day job to do this fulltime. I'll never make enough money as I don't have enough capital for an account that big.

I trade for a pastime. I'm retired and no debt, so don't get anxious when things go wrong. Get bored waiting and always trying something new, which has its drawbacks.
Dont wish to rain on anyones parade but Oscar is Uber Bearish today. You have been warned.