Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dow high 17035
low 16995
mid 17015. Where are we now ... 17013
Been in a narrowing range all day. Just like 25 of the last 30 days.
All perfectly normal no worries move along nothing to see....
Dow high 17035
low 16995
mid 17015. Where are we now ... 17013
Been in a narrowing range all day. Just like 25 of the last 30 days.
All perfectly normal no worries move along nothing to see....

not sure what you are complaining about? if it is such a sure thing, buy at the wedge lows, sell at the wedge highs! :smart:

or is that sell at lows and buy at highs..just let me check my notes..:confused:


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U.S. Stocks plunged today, led by a sell off among small companies, as investors weighed valuations and speculated the FED may raise interest rates sooner than expected.
The decline may continue tomorrow.
U.S. Stocks plunged today, led by a sell off among small companies, as investors weighed valuations and speculated the FED may raise interest rates sooner than expected.
The decline may continue tomorrow.

That was a Bloomberg story.

On the very same page as the article is a "Related story" with a link too this...
Dow 20,000!

The Meed-ya exploit the human brains trait of only believing information which supports a persons pre determined view and discarding other "facts". They will put out 2 opposing stories and a person will remember the one they want and disregard the other.
Granted one talks about 'small stocks' and the other about the Dow, but otherwise they are complete opposites.
So I've been studying hard and I've decided that I'm going to take one of my £10k SB accounts and put it all on Red, sorry I mean go long Dow 17,010 @ £400 per point. I mean that gives me a 25 point buffer (so ridiculous I know). Target minimum 10,080 today.