Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Second half DAX short stopped out at B/E.

All done here, have a nice weekend all.
Gone short DAX @ 9985(small stakes), going to hold over the weekend. Stop set at 10000.

Have a great weekend all. bye
It was a good week, next week shall also be good.

Best wishes for the weekend to all!
Had to drop in for the close. :LOL:
Nice one Lexy.
Daxy couldnt make 10,000 in hours but the spread bettors can make up a price of 10,015 any time they like.
Dow closes on a high and keeps going after the close. 16940 now.
Mad I tell you, that would need a vix of less than 11 to make that happen, Oh wait a minute. :rolleyes:
Dow gaps open 150 points on Monday.
Dax leaves 10,000 for dust.
FTSE probably goes down. :p
MrTS Imbalance @MrTS_Imbalance · 17m
MrTopStep MiM reading: -83.00% with a Sell-side imbalance of $-634,371,362 decent size #MrTS #MiM

$600M to sell on the close and it goes up.
Imagine if people had been buying into the close.
Purchased SPX 1980 calls and 1950 puts lets see what the market can do .... And i already have spy 195 calls ...
Makes a mockery of any chart, system, pivot, TA you want. It's just pure simple buy, buy some more. No one can beat this by trading.
Same cycle buy high and sell lower . Smart money : buy lower sell higher to others .
Silver at 40 : Silver to triple digits in no time , wont see it under 20 for long time . Where is it right now ?
Natural gas under 2 : its going down even negative prices is not out of the question !! Where is it right now ?
Dow at 6000 : Its the end . Where is it right now ?
Apple at 700 : Dont bet against it its apple .. etc etc . What happened to the share afterwords ?

Same cycle over and over again .

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With Goldman and other big trading "banks" it is important to hear what they have not said just as well as read what they want crowds to believe they know.
If you were Goldman for example, would you readily disclose your next move and market strategy to people taking positions against you, which is different from taking them on the other side of you, somebody has to take the risk, as the resent history once again has proven. The story of Sergiey Aleynikov and supposed secrets (so dangerous to the whole universe :LOL: ) of Goldman's trading prove that Goldman and similar institutions really want everybody to know they next move and market strategy.:LOL::LOL::LOL:
SPX cash
5 min close plot
2 trends from wednesday
minor uptrend/aqua that recoiled into support after ecb
then the new uptrend that started thursday into nfp.That went into consolidation and then broke out after nfp...yellow
we either break higher or test support
trend supp 1945 area
horizontal supp 1942 down to 1940
trend is up..but could go either way..possibly a consolidation before we know
