Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

German exports up an extra 2.6Bn from last month, but industrial production is half its forecast. So what exactly are the Germans exporting? Bavarian bear skins maybe.
Dow overnight funny money prices show its never been below yesterdays intra day high.


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Dax down 30 points from overnight highs, Dow down 12.
Just watch a tick chart, every time the dow goes down 1 point it is immediately bought back again.
You can see where this is going, and it isnt down.
Nice long, postie.
I was waiting for 10 pips lower to get long, but it never happened. Too strong
Nice long, postie.
I was waiting for 10 pips lower to get long, but it never happened. Too strong

It bounced around 40 first time, but I caught it second time round.
Damn just got stopped out while typing this, I thought that was safe as houses.
As there's a few people trading the Dax here, and if you're willing to share, I'm curious as to what instrument & size you typically trade? (Obviously the Eurex FDAX is quite big in terms of ct size & margin requirement).
I'm currently using CFDs (hedged in FDAX). The ct size allows me to go 1/10 of FDAX up to full-size. My avg posn size is half an FDAX lot (so E12.50/pt). Understand if you'd prefer not to post, or prefer to PM me instead.

DAX for me is now 100% SB on a couple of accounts.
Can go from A$2, A$5 A$10 or A$20, average A$15 on straight trades.
Size and SB accounts depends on what I'm doing hedging different markets or straight trades. spread is 1.
Size also depends how focused(not lazy) and in tune with the market I am.
Did use MF Global in the day, still have an account with FP markets which offer the FDAX and half size contracts E12.50 not used recently, still have data access E8.80 per month and turn around cost was E18(offer discounts on amount traded). only use FP for some direct market ASX 200 index and FTSE futures trades now.
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Dax has 5 hours to make 100 points from here.
20 points per hour @ your chosen comfort level £££.
Pimms and cucumber sandwiches at the weekend.
Postie, yeah I can see Dax going higher (i.e. to 10k) & wish I could go long in size here, but I'm not comfortable buying at these levels as we get closer to the jobs no. This choppy action this morning makes me uncomfortable holding anything beyond a scalp.

Going long at these levels is a worry, hence my @ your comfort level remark.
I think the fact Dax, Dow, s&P are at all time highs going in to the jobs numbers means they just dont give a f..k about them. They're all going up regardless, even ftse is joining in for once.

The alternative is shorting the Dax, and that hasn't been good for anyone in living memory. :LOL:
Long only approach means can't go short, but can't see me getting any sort of decent dip either, so can't see me doing much today.
Long only approach has been doing well for me since I implemented its but it's hella boring!
Long only approach means can't go short, but can't see me getting any sort of decent dip either, so can't see me doing much today.
Long only approach has been doing well for me since I implemented its but it's hella boring![/QUOTE

:D You'll get bored , shortly, when you get that spike up your ****!
I've been short Gold from 1253's for about an hour now. Bored out my mind waiting for this break lower!

SL @ 1254s
TP @ unknown but nearing 1250