Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Look at Weekly Chart. Don't try to catch a falling knife.

Weekly charts to big for me as a day trader, I need to know what's happening today, good luck

PS, I never look at the weekly charts
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need to keep an eye on this now. Having a bounce off 3600. Acting as a bit of support

Was hoping for more of a slice through it
You couldn't eat lunch at other time ? :)

I deliberately try to have lunch between 2.30 and 3pm. Volatility is crazy and direction is unknown. So I try to get away from the screen so I don't impulse trade. There are plenty of opportunities afterwards.

The only exception is if we're near to a key point of support/resistance and there is high chance of a bounce.
I love volatility, gives many opportunities, just follow the direction of the price action, all IMHO
This is what I saw that triggered my short entry

Big white arrows are the high and low of overnight price range

The other arrow is the trigger bar for my entry

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I love volatility, gives many opportunities, just follow the direction of the price action, all IMHO

It's all good when there is a clear direction, I struggle with direction at open times and 30 min before close.

I'm trying to make about 15 points a day. I just need maybe 2 good trades in a day. Like everyone, sitting on my hands is the hardest part.

The strategy seems to be working alright.

Get rich slow!
It's all good when there is a clear direction, I struggle with direction at open times and 30 min before close.

I'm trying to make about 15 points a day. I just need maybe 2 good trades in a day. Like everyone, sitting on my hands is the hardest part.

The strategy seems to be working alright.

Get rich slow!

Good man, discipline is the hardest part of trading, if its working, stick with it, consistency is key, whatever system you trade.

I'm long/short now - ftse trading flat atm so still underwater by the spreads.

took its time today - traded flat to weak until near dow open when started trading strong. About +15(x2) now and that's gonna have to do.
Great trade on the DAX, I missed that signal

Thanks, then I screwed up on the next one by closing at B/E as the PA wasn't doing as I expected, then the little tw*t took off as I expected it would do. :mad:
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We know that traders use reactions at round numbers and whether the market breaks above or below as triggers to be bullish or bearish. In fact 3600 was key today, and NQ provided the best value for trades. Question is, should you set in stone that we will have a break below here? Why not use it as an initial target and read how we approach, what sort of order flow is logical to take place at the number, and how that will affect your trade or potential opposite trade? Did you consider that others would also see this number and have a plan for how to trade their decisions?

Think through what will be the desire of traders coming into the market today, and consider how one can affect the other - eg weak longs entering on assumed continuation trades in the first half hour helping fuel the pullback we needed to make upside more sustainable later in the session.

A few observations. First, when you shorted, how did you know we wouldn't take out yesterdays high? Did you have a stop, and where was it? What stopped you getting spooked by the velocity of the next bar as the market moved rapidly against you?

Looks like you are using too high a timeline for the players who you want to be reflecting today. I used a 1 minute chart with a 20 second chart to refine entries. There are 3 simple trades today.

Short at 09.54 hold for 3 minutes. I had 3600 in mind for the correction today but not the info to make it a high probability short trade until long after the open. Trade taken to target as I don't get greedy on this type of setup. 16 ticks.

Then a scalp long 10.00 off the round number, exit is on the first push up, 3 minutes later. 22 ticks.

Then a bigger picture long at 10.09 on the test of the low, closed at 10.17. 8 minutes. 33 ticks.

Need to be aware of the other correlated markets also rather than looking in isolation at NQ.

My point is that people need to know a lot more about their method and the market before trading it. Using a slow timeline and waiting for the market to go against you from 3600 before realising the move is over and giving back a chunk of your profits isn't efficient.

Depends on your objectives, but most traders don't put enough thought into what information they display, how to see which timelines to play, how to identify high probability zones to look for trades, position management, etc. I am still going through this process, continually refining and looking for ways to improve, to better order the concepts I was taught and have discovered.

Maybe if some traders want to post a 1 minute chart of NQ and discuss where and why they traded, what they expected, what information they used to come to these conclusions, etc we could have a more interesting discussion than just posting trade calls. Not offering to give any knowledge out, fight club rules apply, but sometimes folks need some help learning to ask the right questions.

Nice reply, and appreciated. It's always good to get a different perspective and opinion on how they view a trade and a market.

I don't trade lower than a 5 minute chart, reasons being the method I employ is based off 5m for entry.

I always enter a trade with a stop and target. I would never just willingly slap a trade on without first knowing where to exit the trade in the event it goes in my anticipated direction, or against it.

I look at higher time frame charts to see where PA is indicating areas of support or resistance, 15m, 60m, daily.

There are many many ways to trade my friend as I'm pretty sure you will know, and that's what makes forums, and threads like this interesting reading and a good place to chat. everyone has a different view point.