Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Stopped at BE on my trade. Got with a damn point of PT as well.

That's what happens when you set limit orders instead of closing out manually
Stopped at BE on my trade. Got with a damn point of PT as well.

That's what happens when you set limit orders instead of closing out manually

I moved stop to BE on that DOW trade i spoke to POSTIE about, even though i couldn't lose anything, it's the first time i've ever done that, it somehow felt like i wasn't in control of the trade, even though i was...weird.

I'm a 80% mechanical, and 10% discretionary trader......:smart:
I moved stop to BE on that DOW trade i spoke to POSTIE about, even though i couldn't lose anything, it's the first time i've ever done that, it somehow felt like i wasn't in control of the trade, even though i was...weird.

I'm a 80% mechanical, and 10% discretionary trader......:smart:

and 10% mental! :LOL:
nearer term 3611 for swim or sink ….3595 is still mother if it falls.. so bearish (if there is such a thing) if we go below...

the nasdaq did sink and it fell out with mother as well:)..problem is it took the rest with it and now the bulls have a big problem ...s&p 1873 is my focus tomor...end the week over that and hey presto more upside:LOL:

gold bounced 1292 again today :sleep:

not much call for longer term views on here...what's happened to sudden death ?

that's cash charts
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A good day for trading and not posting today.
Phew. I need a beer, and a whiskey, and some tequila....
i hope the markets don't go down the drain :)


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Janet Yellen speaks into 2 hours(11 pm UK time)

Might offer some better sell and buy prices.

JY normally sinks gold
Have had a good look at Dax , Dow and S&P this evening.
I am not trading tomorrow, will help a friend, probably just as well.
I do not want to waste your time posting the scenario I expect if I am not going to trade it.
I would only say that it was satisfying to be short today on indices.
The move down was sharp and some reaction to it is likely. There is a strong possibility the move down has run out of steam, but retest of the Low is very likely possibly early on next week.
Wish you all good trades and many pips on Friday and a great weekend to all!!!
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