Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Closed -8

Then as soon as you close, it goes in the right direction like a rocket......commonly known as not having a comprehensive to the dog house and no dinner.
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I've close my 2 Dow positions - I might regret that later, 2 seperate entries I'll work out the loss later but its close to 40 points average. :(

That Dow fighting every inch of the down move today.
Dax is holding up well, high enough to close the 9695 gap it left open.

S&P IS tanking (-ve now) but not taking Dow with it.... :mad:
I think Dow 560 is probably the closing level tonight but I'm always crap at that game.
Der yeah - meant Dow. Having a skype conversation while trading and posting. Something was bound to go wrong, glad it was the post not the trade. :LOL:

so postie why do I always see you using line charts and never bars or candles?
so postie why do I always see you using line charts and never bars or candles?

Its all the same.
Theyre just guidelines.
The real turning points are done with PA thats the top/ bottom of the candle.
The bit you use to draw trends is the open which is the same as a line chart.
just shorted dax at 9568, then realized the spread has widened from 1 to 6 pips :(
just shorted dax at 9568, then realized the spread has widened from 1 to 6 pips :(

In your top ten list of trading rules have "Wear a watch" as number 1.
Or you can get one of those radio time clocks that set themselves for 7.99 at Maplin.

Well worth the money. :LOL:

There was a documentry on HFT recently where one of the propellor heads that writes algos traded into the close and left himself open overnight so dont feel to bad about it, you must be really clever! ;)