Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Tempted to short Dow but think I missed the boat.
Will wait until it starts to turn up again for a long.
I know i'm crap at longer than a few hours, but wondering if the DOW is going to pull back from these highs over the next few days.........:?:
I know i'm crap at longer than a few hours, but wondering if the DOW is going to pull back from these highs over the next few days.........:?:



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Long Dow 562

Arrgh - I though the Dow was playing games as the S&P was going Up when I took the trade.
Maybe it still is but I'm out. Probably the fastest move of the day and I was the wrong side of it.
The volume on the Dow is abysmal.
The lowest its been over the last month is 70 million highest 142 million today we're at 42 million. Anything could happen.