Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

"The following are the expectations for today's ECB policy meeting and the possible EUR reactions as provided by the economists at Goldman Sachs, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Barclays Capital, Credit Suisse, and other leading banks.

GS: We expect the Governing Council to ease policy modestly at this meeting, via a small cut in key rates and/or liquidity actions. Aggressive unconventional policies remain distant. "

Is that what happened?
:cheesy:Geez, prices all over the place, hate to say this, but we need the US open to drive one way or the other.
:sneaky: Hi Barjon, I can see you logged on, thought you were supposed to be on holiday
Nice -
Q. Draghi are you losing credibility by talking about easing but never doing it. :LOL:
ftse 6654 is roughly 6600june

will we get rally once draghi ends and says thing scary? like we get with Yellen (dow 376)