Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

The Future of Scotland....
If Scotland gain independence after the referendom,the remainder of the United Kingdom will be known as the Former United Kingdom (F.U.K.)

In a bid to discourage the Scots from voting Yes, Lib. Dems. who are now panicking at the thought of all the future lost revenue from Scotland, have now begun a campaign the slogan being Please vote "NO" for F.U.K.'S sake
They feel the Scottish people can relate to this particularly those of Glaswegian origin. :)
An update from this mornings chart.
They're pushing it to the limit.
Who would have thought the Germans couldn't think for themselves and had to follow the Dow.


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HSBC opens strong, then gets sold down the river, this happened yesterday also causing ftse to reach 6760

HSBC making multi year lows !
looking pretty convincing above 9300 at the moment so I'm not jumping in short on a whim. Have to be sensible about these things
Dow buy pivot 439 very close

weak bund/us10 upside must be favoured.

keep eye on missing plane can affect Dow

terrorism = bullish for dow

plane fault = bearish for dow

yesterdays 34 pt decline on dow 10pts were from boeing.

aside from the tragic loss of human life
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