Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dom today

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More pain in store for the bears

DAX 30
FTSE 100
S&P 500

The equity indices continue to press higher, just as I have been forecasting they would. There was never any serious evidence that they had formed a major high, less still confirmation from a major price reversal. It is folly to fight a strong uptrend, especially one that is effectively still underwritten by the Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan. I daresay we will have a more serious correction at some point this year. I shall worry about that once it gets underway. For now, I am still seeking opportunities in both equities and in gold.

Following its rampage higher, the DAX has traded gently sideways. This is a precursor to a return to the high at 9794, as I see it. The only drawback is the ongoing fourhourly RSI reading.

DAY: I’ll buy as the DAX rallies back above through its 13-fourhourly EMA.

POSITION: Stay long or get long on a bounce off the 13-fourhourly EMA.

My call yesterday was to buy a bounce off the 21-fourhourly EMA in advance of gains to 6745. And that’s exactly what’s happened. I’m now looking for 6822.

DAY: I’d buy another bounce off the 13-fourhourly EMA.

POSITION: Stay long or buy a further bounce off the 13-fourhourly EM

If the S&P is topping, it’s a very funny-looking top. I see it as consolidating ahead of a move to and through its all-time highs at 1851. The state of the daily chart leads me to think that won’t be the end of it, either.

DAY: I’d buy a rally back through the 13-fourhourly EMA.

POSITION: I’d buy a bounce off the 13-fourhourly EMA.


Yesterday: “I think we can get to $1.6670 although a dip may be needed first… Take profits for now and await a fresh bounce from around the 13-fourhourly EMA.” GBPUSD has played out as I thought it would. I now expect gains towards $1.6877.

DAY: I’m happy buying a rally from here.

POSITION: Nothing for now.


EURUSD’s chart is less inspiring than GBPUSD’s and indeed than most of the indices. That said, I still see the current period of sideways action giving way to a burst up towards $1.3751 and beyond.

DAY: Stay long or buy a rally from here.

POSITION: Nothing for now.


Yesterday: “Gold is now very overbought on its fourhourly timeframe, so I’d await a dip before trying to get long again.” And that’s exactly what’s happened, with the yellow metal pulling back to the 13-fourhourly EMA. I am looking for $1329.22.

DAY: I’d buy another rally back through the 13-fourhourly EMA.

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How three of the party's most senior figures campaigned for a vile paedophile group now being probed by police for 'abusing children on an industrial scale'
Documents found by Mail show link between Left-wing and paedophiles
Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt held senior positions at National Council for Civil Liberties before rising to top of the Labour party
The NCCL was an 'affiliate' of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), whose members may have abused children on an 'industrial scale'
Paperwork reveals NCCL helped lobby Parliament for the age of sexual consent to be cut to as low as ten and called for incest to be legalised

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Sweet Jesus :(