Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

A small Valentines mystery.
A marketing persons Valentine heart vs a real human heart.

So what were they thinking of when they chose the Valentine heart symbol?


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Lol got a home-alone-weekend looming, wanna send that girl over for some serious market analysis talk.

Not sure if I've seen a head shoulders pattern coming up next week that needs action.

Need a second opinion pronto and think she's just the one who could help me out of a tight spot there !

I'm kinda gifted, becasue I've got this, umm, gift, to recognize, err, gifted analysts from a mile away, and those who've been on the Mac Analysts course from two !



Bloody marvelous !

Yeah that's our man the one and only Mac analyst saying thank you to his disciple for some pattern she pointed out that made him a bundle.


Thing is she can't do TA properly when she's dressed.
Rest of the gang out for a walk err I mean down at the pub having drinks and chatting up the girls already ?



Holy crap !

She and I go waaaaay back.

Did the Mac Analysts Bund spoofing course together.

We spent whole nights doing nothing but drinking beer and, err, talking about heads and shoulders.

Bloody marvelous time !

Too bad my wife saw us, didn't understand the seriousity of what we were doing, pulled out her gun she keeps by the bed.

And went ahead, aimed, and just pulled the trigger.

Deads !

Straight away.


Gonna miss those TA sessions !
Lol got a home-alone-weekend looming, wanna send that girl over for some serious market analysis talk.

Not sure if I've seen a head shoulders pattern coming up next week that needs action.

Need a second opinion pronto and think she's just the one who could help me out of a tight spot there !

I'm kinda gifted, becasue I've got this, umm, gift, to recognize, err, gifted analysts from a mile away, and those who've been on the Mac Analysts course from two !



Bloody marvelous !


bREAkE OUT fRoM Bottom line

Bloody marvelous
bREAkE OUT fRoM Bottom line

Bloody marvelous

Yeah !

You also gotta know that the legend the man the Mac Ananlyst himself taught ALL his female students that the only way to get ahead in life and do proper TA that deserves the name is to do it when naked.

Not a single one could spot a head and shoulders pattern if it were bang right in front of them with when clothed !

I tell ya, the man is a walking legend !

Dunno from whom I learned more.

Him himself, or the girls he trained !
A close down on the day for the Dax would be very bad. From a naked TA point of view.
Some of that naked TA is whispering in my ear that the DAX hasn't had it's daily steroid dose yet.

Just added, son, you ain't seen nuttin yet.
