The way I set about learning this technique was ,
1) Read the TTT book
2) Read the George Angell book Sniper Trading (he covers Taylor in the book)
3) Create your own book by downloading the OHLC numbers from your charting package into excel and use the equations George gives you.
4) You will then have the basis for doing all sorts of fancy analysis
5) You will then realise that the levels dont work as well as you would like so you have to do some tweeking to get the formulas to work for you , through trial and error. The most important ones are the typical penetration and violation levels, also avergae rally and decline numbers
6) Read Linda's work
Now.. what you will find is that there appears to be 2 schools of thought,
the first is that you stick with a simple pattern of buy day , sell day and short sell day .. the second is that you can make more helpful patterns through constructs such as buy day, sell day, sell day , short sell day, buy day. There are also always differences between what one trader calls a buy day and another calls a buy day.. so some will say today was the buy day, others will say it was yesterday. This can be confusing.. but they are only ever one day in difference between them. The important thing is to get a grip of the concept in your head and use the patterns as you see them to map put a route of how price will get from A to B over the period of a week.
I have large posters on my wall with the four major patterns Linda talks of and I use these to help me mentally think through which patttern we might be in this week. As the week unfolds you can then adjust your thinking depending on price action.
Hope this helps.