Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Arbitrage is the reason for the Dow pre market strength according to Mr T.

Mr TopStep ‏@MrTopStep 3m
Why are the S&P futures up when Asian and Europe are down?

I can explain that....

This goes back to FV and premiums :

When the ESH sold off on the close the futures when out a a big discount to the S&P cash ...
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from Larry Levin 's newsletter:

In my last newsletter I mentioned that the markets had been eerily quiet for quite some time but some volatility had been seen on occasion – to the down side. Friday was more of the same but squared. The markets were crushed!
•The Dow closed -318.25 (-1.96%)
•The S&P 500 closed -38.17 (-2.09%)
•The DAX closed -239.05 (-2.48%)
•The Nikkei closed -406.66 (-2.64%)

What was the cause for Friday’s weakness? It was the same as the prior day…
•Further FOMC tapering back in the news.
•A Japanese finance minister suggesting that the BOJ is done easing.
•USD/JPY down, thus killing those in the carry trade.
•The BOE giving up “rate guidance.”
•Chinese PMI contraction.
•Emerging Market currency problems

What may be interesting to watch this week is a new wrinkle in banking policy out of China: the PBOC ordered commercial banks to halt transfers. Could this make the market more nervous?

I read the following from Forbes:

The article describes a 3-day suspension of domestic renminbi transfers. But that’s not all; when it comes to conversion to foreign currencies, there is a 9-day suspension.

The Chinese central bank is blaming this on “system maintenance,” which many are calling preposterous. This is the highest usage period in the year – the weeklong Lunar Year holiday that begins Jan. 31st.

Why would the PBOC do this now? It sounds fishy to me, especially in the light of China’s first impending financial bankruptcy in its shadow-banking system.

Perhaps the PBOC is nervous?
Something strange happening,

Postman and SD are not able to post...

unusual traffic which we do not see normally.
Scores on the doors.
FTSE -4.72%
DAX -4.94%
Dow -4.63%
Nikkei -9.00%
From highs....

And changing rapidly....
The point being anecdotaly I thought FTSE and DAX were lagging in the fall vs Dow.
But statistically not.
Hey Jeff, I know you have heard of the Dow Theory buy and sell signals. We are now in a Dow Theory sell signal,
meaning the D-J Transport Average (TRAN/7258.72) made a new high unconfirmed by the D-J Industrials. We've
been in a Dow Theory buy signal environment for the past two years and now that has reversed. These signals are
not short term and only happen at major stock market turns. For instance, we had Dow Theory sell signals 4 times
between October of 2007 and February of 2008, which was a precursor to the 2008 carnage. What happened on
Thursday/Friday of this week also confirms the bearish Elliott wave pattern.