Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

The only good thing I can say about today is my Dow gains have already wiped out my Dax losses.
Dumbest thing I've done this year - not cutting that losing Dax position early. Chart indicates where its going.

I cut mine real early when PA dipped under sma. Told you my heart wasn't in it!
Can Dax close at amazing highs?
Dow has retested 16400 on futures and looks like it will lend support.


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And now I am in profit on the day as my Dow position is +100...
Hedging (y)
Gotta love these markets. :love:
Mr TopStep ‏@MrTopStep 47s
like clockwork ... been buy programs running on the half hour....something to make note of - posted by Chance
Exclusive: FBI suspects front running of Fannie, Freddie in swaps market (Reuters)

from Larry Levin

Movies of financial folly are all the rage right now. From the kickbacks and scams in American Hustle to the unabashed greed in Wolf of Wall Street, these movies are based in truth, but have been heightened by the cinematic flair.

Well there might be a new movie for the future. Instead of a compelling drama, this looks to be more of a comedy of errors. In the latest chapter of Wall Street idiocy, Bloomberg broke the story Tuesday that the FBI is investigating traders who may have been front running orders and manipulating the derivatives market. The best part is that they weren’t using 2014 technology but antics straight out of Trading Places.

From Reuters:

Using what Federal Bureau of Investigation agents described as "unsophisticated tradecraft," such as hand signals and special telephone ring tones, some traders are conspiring to rig rates on large orders submitted by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, or front running them in the interest rate swaps market, the document says.

The FBI said in the bulletin that the information came from a former high-level employee at a U.S. bank and an employee at a Canadian Bank, plus interviews with other bank workers conducted in 2012 and 2013. The former high-level employee at the U.S. bank estimated the front running had resulted in profits of $50 million to $100 million for the bank, the FBI said.

The bulletin did not name any of the traders or banks suspected of the activity, or indicate whether it may extend beyond the two banks.

Front running occurs when someone with advance knowledge of another market participant's plan to make a sizable transaction puts an order in first, often profiting from a market move that can occur once the big trade has gone through.

The FBI bulletin is the latest indication that officials are concerned that traders are manipulating financial markets. U.S. and European authorities have fined 10 banks around $6 billion for allegedly manipulating the London Interbank Offered Rate, or LIBOR, and other interest rate benchmarks, and authorities are actively investigating comparable behavior in the foreign exchange market.

Current and former employees at the U.S. bank said that swap traders at the bank programmed their phones with different ring tones to identify when certain customers were calling, alerting traders that a large order was about to be placed, the FBI said.

According to the bulletin, one employee at the U.S. bank and the Canadian bank employee reported that senior bankers at the two banks "planned and encouraged this behavior because it led to higher revenue for their respective parent banks."

Can anybody say, "Where's Beeks?"