Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I try to see the good in everybody and maybe I ignore the bad.
but I learnt a lot of things from Oscar, in his method of analysing the markets.
"flat tops produce market drops"
and the swing day high sell and swing day low sell, good strategies
and dow theory transports confirming dow bull

It's OK to look for the good in people (y) and yes some of the stuff is good because its basic TA, but his 'Oscarisms' just dont stack up.
By his own admission "Swing days dont work" he gave those up after he ate his own hat on one of his videos.
Now on his latest video he says he is no longer trading FOMC announcement days. If he was getting it right he should be trading them all, but clearly hes not.
I'm just very skeptical of people who charge hundreds of dollars a month for a private chat room and yet I cant find one article via google that says "Oscar made me rich".

FTSE's looking like it wants to go down... wonder if it will make 6600 today?
US unemployment at very high levels 2 weeks in a row and yet taper is on...
Thats not good.
am off to see Harry Potter studios with family soon... hope to pick up a genuine magic trading you think I will find one?

have a good day..........have left orders in
dc200 if u get 373 right before oscars bull prediction through christmas/new year i promise to stop watching his videos.

well I dont know of him but I will have a look at you tube when I get 5 mins

right now just putting limit orders in
if I was looking for a scalp or two a long then a short as we expect a down up down day
lol ve just bought a couple of homes in US for a bargain price mahoosive bargain price

I bought a property in the UK at a knock down price.
In the end I had to knock it down :(


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