Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Now that financial pundits are claiming the current stock market rally is good to go until 2016, it’s appropriate to see where the market will be in 2016 if current trends hold.

Let’s start with the well-known correlation between the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet and the stock market: stocks rise when the Fed is adding assets and tank when the Fed pauses. (Chart courtesy of STA Wealth Management)

"Dow 40,000, SPX 4,000: Is this Fed-Fueled Stock Rally Sustainable? Charles Hugh Smith"

Hell yeah!
Buy the dip. :clap:
JT - this news broke over an hour ago and there wasn't a reaction in the markets. In fact they've gone up a bit.

What was your reasoning for shorting the DOW on this news?

Well, it was more kind of sentimental and gut. Dow was near resistance, only place to go short or long... market is bearish going long is no good.

That news will definitely have some impact and make VIX spike...
Stocks spiraled lower to near session lows, with the Dow seeing a triple-digit decline, following the decision. - CNBC
You REALLY dont want to be basing trading decisions on CNBC news bulletins.

I completely Agree, you can be Chopped off...

On the other side FTSE is reluctant to go below 6514, it seem she is saving 14 points for tomorrow, just in case. She has not got much point left...:LOL: