Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

might be trying to fill the opening gap.

how often does it fill mondays opening gap?

Seriously, I dont think markets do 'gap fills' anymore. They are like a superstition IMHO and algo's are not superstitious.
Thats just my personal opinion, maybe facts will prove me wrong.
I really dont understand the FTSE weakness and so I'm glad I've stayed away from it. I made one ftse long trade last week and managed to scrape 2 points profit after 30 hours. Bizarre. :confused:
Seriously, I dont think markets do 'gap fills' anymore. They are like a superstition IMHO and algo's are not superstitious.
Thats just my personal opinion, maybe facts will prove me wrong.

didn't talbs used to trade the gap? also dax30 traded the opening retracement? (gap)
Dax bounces off 9300 again. (y)
Dow in a tight 20 point range since midnight. Thats going to fly today.

Come on FTSE join in the party. The UK cant be that screwed can it?
What makes you think that?
Purely speculative or from a technical perspective?

The dax and dow are 'brothers from another mother'. The dax is up 100 points so far and is not giving an inch to the downside.
The previous times the Dow has been 'held' in a tight range pre open it has jumped out (up) within 15 minutes of the open and never looked back.
I really dont understand the FTSE weakness and so I'm glad I've stayed away from it. I made one ftse long trade last week and managed to scrape 2 points profit after 30 hours. Bizarre. :confused:

you and me both, postie :confused:

dow is up around + 475 in November as we speak, but ftse is DOWN about - 35 points. Whatever ratio you use ftse is seriously adrift and should be a couple of hundred points higher. Something very odd happening.
What makes you think that?
Purely speculative or from a technical perspective?

If you need anything else just draw a trendline on a ONE minute chart.
The Dax is relentless, and even at record highs - there is NO selling pressure.
Wow Dax is One point below where it should be on the channel. Is this the end of the world?
I'm sitting up and paying attention now.
Dax is on the lower end of a one minute channel. Need to see it go up from here.