Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

yeah still above 1500 but only just...what will the london close bring us...ftse took a bashing this morning still needs 536 i think

DL take a look at GBPUSD, also dax did approx a 67pt cash session range

this is the downside of a bullish market, small ranges

7 out of the 8 biggest ftse stocks closed lower. dax/ftse not buying the dow bullishness.

I totally forgot that Dow should rally big due to the syria discount it produces on friday.
very good article from john hussman, nice graphs

As a simple measure of this combination – rich valuations coupled with upward pressures on risk premiums and competing yields – it’s worth considering the current Shiller P/E near 24 (S&P 500 divided by the 10-year average of inflation-adjusted earnings) in the context of rising yields on competing securities. Both the Dow Jones Utility Average and the Dow Jones Corporate Bond Average are down more than 5% from their recent 26-week highs. The last time we saw this combination of weakness in interest-sensitive sectors with the Shiller P/E even above 18 was in September 2008, just before the market collapsed that year. We observed a similar deterioration following overvalued, overbought, overbullish syndromes in January 2000 (though be aware that it took several more months of top formation for the market to decline in earnest) and June-September 1987. This is certainly not the only concern that we have at present, but it illustrates our discomfort with speculative risk-taking here

Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: The Lesson of the Coming Decade - September 9, 2013
probably more manipulation :)

i totally forgot that Syria had not been attacked during the weekend. and Dow could be bought at its friday close.

anyone read the article I posted about Dow and last hour sell offs ?

dow hit my target of +150,
i totally forgot that Syria had not been attacked during the weekend. and Dow could be bought at its friday close.

anyone read the article I posted about Dow and last hour sell offs ?

dow hit my target of +150,

Well done on the Dow +150 target.

I read the article on last hour sell offs - I have my fingers crossed.
And everything else. :help:
Well done on the Dow +150 target.

I read the article on last hour sell offs - I have my fingers crossed.
And everything else. :help:


good luck postman I am hoping for you.

generally after a strong move we get a congestion/digestion day,
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evening bustech.

I was in a chat room they were discussing mrtopsteps mim imbalance indicator saying its sell side biased at mo, will cause sell-off in last hour.
evening bustech.

I was in a chat room they were discussing mrtopsteps mim imbalance indicator saying its sell side biased at mo, will cause sell-off in last hour.


Asia is very bullish at the moment.

Hard to stop when global markets are going one way. Up.

Mind you could turn on a dime with some news event.

Asia is very bullish at the moment.

Hard to stop when global markets are going one way. Up.

Mind you could turn on a dime with some news event.

... Mind you could turn on a dime with some news event...
Yes, it doesn't even have to be Real !
Averaged in at 15028 - I'm walking away now and coming back in an hours time. :|

Nice little last minute sell off means I'm only 19 points adrift at the moment.

SD please tell me your target is Down 150 points tomorrow. :LOL:
Nice little last minute sell off means I'm only 19 points adrift at the moment.

SD please tell me your target is Down 150 points tomorrow. :LOL:

China data 30 mins before the German open.

Be in the chair on time.


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What a surprise more good China data.

You can go long China data until the cow's come home.:LOL:


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morning everyone. sp500sept has done 8 higher highs in a row,

from Coutts website

Our view that Europe offers some of the best value in global equity markets is catching on - more US investors are flocking to European equities than at any time since Abba topped the charts with “Take a Chance on Me” in 1978. This investor optimism coincides with equity analysts around the globe revising up their forecasts for European company earnings.

Pension funds and other US institutions invested $65bn in European shares in the first six months of 2013, the fastest six-month pace in 36 years, according to US Treasury statistics cited in a Goldman Sachs report.
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morning everyone. sp500sept has done 8 higher highs in a row,

from Coutts website

Our view that Europe offers some of the best value in global equity markets is catching on - more US investors are flocking to European equities than at any time since Abba topped the charts with “Take a Chance on Me” in 1978. This investor optimism coincides with equity analysts around the globe revising up their forecasts for European company earnings.

Pension funds and other US institutions invested $65bn in European shares in the first six months of 2013, the fastest six-month pace in 36 years, according to US Treasury statistics cited in a Goldman Sachs report.

sd do u still hold vod shares?...are you in line for a big pay out?