Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Ftse went with Dow but reluctant now - I've closed the pair.

Ps: nice one postie
4 hour SPX
have an order in to short at red circle.
Looks like a wash in the yellow box of the sellers in black circles to the left..
price has made new lows after the wash compared to prior.
Looking for sellers to show up somewhere between/around the black horizontal lines.
Stops above the wash plus wiggle room...
Morning SD.

Thats the 3rd time the Dax has hit the resistance at 8262.
As I'm typing I see it falling - good job I was short Before I typed...
I've closed my earlier position and gone short again at 8218.
I have a nasty looking down trend for today on Dax.

Dax previous support becomes resistance?

Draghi press conference should be good, watch him bitch slap some journalists.

anyone remember Wim Duisenberg
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Everyone ready for the Dow to take out stops above 15,000 before crashing ?

I got 14,958 try to get long above that level and sell/hedge if we move below

also HSBC above 695p always good for FTSE

have draghi's words been deciphered yet
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