Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

looks like the ftse hasn't hit the med line yet ....i said 180ish earlier but could be closer to 160 in the cash i think ...
6050 and 14600 ish would be the lower parallels of the FTSE and Dow PF's respectively
i have it thru the median line and heading toward the lower parallel
nice bounce from those lows from the other week, pretty strong, needs to bust through 14940 to break down trend .:smart:
dow low 14,881 and FTSE 6170, seems a fair degree of panic/fear at those levels.

It still only represents a drop of 4% on the Dow.
My quandary is what happens to the FTSE when the Dow tries to play catch up on the next 6%.
wern, ftse hitting med now on my cash charts ...could be squished tho

the rest heading as u say


  • ScreenHunter_374 Jun. 20 15.29.jpg
    ScreenHunter_374 Jun. 20 15.29.jpg
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dow just getting ironed out as the whole world tries to get out ! time to leave this baby alone ! bit upset ive been selling dax all day its finally tanked and i have no position !
I'm giving up scalping for the swing trade lark.
450 points since 7pm last night.... AAArrgghh.
I made 20 today :p