Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

i took the high from 13th at 6356 as minor swing ...ftse had a close over this today at 6362

the last swing to me is from the high on the 12th to the low on the 13th
all the action since then is inside this last swing,its all fluff!..except for the poke above as you say..but on my
1 hour chart there was not even a close above this.I cant call that a broken swing.
A close above 15118 still indicates bullishness. But - you know what - all this is window dressing for Wednesday.

This trading is light and frothy - a perfect waffle mixture. ;)
yeah it is bullish
3 min data
supports at 15114 as u said,aqua line
15082 area/green
on to M30 data on the dow
it has to stay above 15k as we said before.there is a big res area at 15282,which has trend and horizontal res
lets see what happens
from jason levitt
Options expire this Friday, so let’s take a look at the open-interest on SPY, DIA, QQQ and IWM to see if they hint at movement the rest of the week. Here’s the theory: the market conspires to cause the most pain, to cause the most number of people to lose the most amount of money. If the market is to accomplish this, what does it need to do this week?
SPy june
Puts out-number calls 2.2-to-1.0 – the same as last month.

Call OI is highest at 160 and between 162 and 168.

Put OI is highest at 120, 130, 135, 140, 145 and between 148 and 166.

There’s a little overlap in the low 160’s, but the highest call strikes in the mid 160’s only overlap by one strike. The dividing line seems to be 166 – a close there would expire all the highest put open-interest strikes and most of the call OI strikes worthless. Today’s close was at 164.44, a good level but slightly below ideal. Flat trading the rest of the week would cause a lot of pain; a small move up would cause even more.
Puts out-number calls 1.3-to-1.0 – about the same as last month.

The big call spike is at 149, and then the following strikes also have decent volume: 152 – 155.

Put OI is highest at 145, and then it tapers down to 139 and up to 151.

All the big (relatively speaking) put spikes are below the big 149 call spike, so let’s say a close at 149 is ideal. Today’s close was at 151.78, above the ideal. As of now, some of those 149 call buyers will make money. A move down is needed to close those options worthless.
Overall Conclusion: The movement needed the rest of the week to cause the most pain differs between these ETFs. SPY needs a small move down; QQQ needs a small move up; IWM doesn’t need any movement. SPY and IWM are most important because they have the most volume. The net of these is flat or slightly up movement the rest of the week will cause the most pain, so basically the market can continue to chop around in a range as long as it doesn’t drop much the rest of the week.
Morning All

Market given back some of Monday's gain.
But no real lead from this part of the world for FTSE and DAX.
Might have to wait for German ZEW and the next direction and any early leaks of the ZEW data.
morning bustech

morning everyone.

european car sales at 20 year low

sp500 june very strong, 10pts above buy pivot 1632

chinese house prices are trending higher, good for dax

Dow cash close = FTSE 6338
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Morning all.

from jason levitt
Options expire this Friday, ...
There’s a little overlap in the low 160’s, but the highest call strikes in the mid 160’s only overlap by one strike. The dividing line seems to be 166 – a close there would expire all the highest put open-interest strikes and most of the call OI strikes worthless. ....

Is the suggestion that the market be 'manipulated' to be at a particular value on a particular day. :-0
That wouldn't be 'fair' would it. :LOL:
Morning all looking to trade this from the long side today well DAX anyway as FTSE does what it likes at the moment, ZEW im sure will be out about 2 hours early so look for a move one way or the other for no reason whatsoever !

looking for the rising trendline to hold.(y)

Morning all looking to trade this from the long side today well DAX anyway as FTSE does what it likes at the moment, ZEW im sure will be out about 2 hours early so look for a move one way or the other for no reason whatsoever !

looking for the rising trendline to hold.(y)

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Looks like the Germans are sniffing around your bottom ! Will it hold?
Looks like the Germans are sniffing around your bottom ! Will it hold?

Ve shall see ! if it does break looking for gap to be filled down to 8117, but im happy its holding for now, looking for a break of yesterdays highs if it does hold in.
Well bunds just got given ! ZEW must be out !

bunds taking out downside stops -- 8k contracts sold 143.35

eurusd also popped up but dax has actually come off 10 ticks, funny old game