Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

1 hr chart


  • ScreenHunter_356 Jun. 17 08.18.jpg
    ScreenHunter_356 Jun. 17 08.18.jpg
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UPDATE- Why cant markets just do this everyday ! Taking half profit on DAX longs suggested this morning, running rest with flat stop, still in DOW which is way too low compared to other markets expect a large pop on wall st open !
Seems to work everytime SD, i just go without !

morning bustech Dick Lexic and Talbs

also 1623 sp500 cash is a weekly fib level (38.2). as is 1597 (50%)

weekly sp500 cash closing prices

some hope for bulls, is that RDSA at year low levels and tends to channel as does BP which is close to 3 month lows
morning bustech Dick Lexic and Talbs SD,
things getting intersting now..
i am with Dick(numerologically!)
6340-60 level needs to be taken for upside..
What more does a trader need?
Maybe just a different interpretation?

I'm not saying my chart is right - I'm just saying its a different view of the same data.

So far so good ... :)


  • FT1Hr.jpg
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Feels bullish for today at least but this GAP worries me, it will get filled this week so im cautious of being too long at this minute hence the 50% profit earlier.

Originally Posted by postman
What more does a trader need?
Maybe just a different interpretation?

I'm not saying my chart is right - I'm just saying its a different view of the same data.

So far so good postman :)