Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Morning All

Have FTSE under value by 59 to DOW from FTSE close on Friday.
See if we can get a bounce on the FTSE up to 6,410 area, current 6,360
HSBC goes ex div on Tuesday, so might find some support for the index.
ASX held 5,000, option expiry on Thursday.

Hong Kong just back from lunch, might drive FTSE and DAX a bit lower before the open.
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Thank you Cyprus & EU... I can turn off my computer now.
Will be looking for opportunities to go long

Nice to see others making profits here, on the same trade.


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Nice to see others making profits here, on the same trade.

Great stuff :clap:, your account is way bigger than mine, by the way !

I closed because my "system" (if I can call it that way) told me to do so, so it's entirely up to you whether you want to keep it open or not.
Great stuff :clap:, your account is way bigger than mine, by the way !

I closed because my "system" (if I can call it that way) told me to do so, so it's entirely up to you whether you want to keep it open or not.

Well done for actually taking your profits. I may regret not taking mine, as markets are heading up now. Just took small profits off the table this mourning.
a quote from the link below

Yesterday the DOW was up about 83 points at the close. Care to guess where a big part of that came from? You got it, a name that makes up 13% of the index — IBM. IBM was up to 5 points and that one name accounted for the bulk of the gains.
Back out IBM yesterday and the DOW wasn’t up anywhere near 83 points (sorry CNBC to pop your balloon but that is the reality of it). We’ve talked numerous times how Wall Street uses names that have the biggest percentage impact on the indexes to prop the market to give the impression everything is fine and the drive is alive. It’s called PAINTING THE TAPE. Under the surface a lot of growth names were note moving and there was a lot of jello moving on the plate.

Painting The Tape Sends Mixed Signals
ftse opened -63 weak vs dow and has been gathering strength since. long/short from near the off worked out well.
I'll hang on to my FTSE long at 6411. The Dow should continue to creep up. Stop loss added to protect my profit, lets see where this market goes.
For most of us, it's obvious that the bulk of the decisions we make on a daily basis are based upon the summation of our previous experience, combined with some sort of reactive observation. "That looks hot, I once was burned, don't touch it." A rather simplistically calculated decision to a situation, correct? There are a lot of philosophical explanations to this phenomenon, (of which I have no desire whatsoever to regurgitate.) However, the idea of understanding, evaluating and augmenting our decision making process, is quite possibly one of the most effective, yet difficult things to do.
As entrepreneurs, we are consistently confronted with decisions, both minute and large in scope, that will severely affect our bottom line one way or another. These decisions usually carry with them some sort of emotional impact that is equally important (we are not robots after all...not yet at least), and making decisions that seem contrary to our emotional compass (outside our comfort zone) is a discipline that we all must cultivate.
The nature of the entrepreneurial attitude puts us in unprecedented situations constantly. Sometimes I find myself so far out of my comfort zone it makes me sick to my stomach. Circumstances that I have no frame of reference or prior experience of. How do we make sound decisions in times like these...?
What we must do mentally is not as difficult as it may seem. It simply requires us to embody an objective stance. A third party perspective so to speak. This does not mean that we divorce our prior experience and emotional compass from our decision making process. But we, as human beings, are highly capable of turning these situations into opportunities for mental growth. It simply requires us to stop projecting, or interjecting our personal bias, or past experiences upon the current dilemma. We must assess the situation logically and objectively, and then act accordingly with the best information on hand at the time. At that point you have to then trust that the best
decision was made, and stick to your guns.
This doesn't require any special skills, or crazy amounts intelligence. We all have a natural intelligence within ourselves that is only hindered by, well, bad habits and programming. Bad habits can be changed. Many of us are introspective by nature anyway, but you must take the time to consciously make the habitual changes that you seek. This is hard work. Learning something new can seem daunting, but the reality is when you engage yourself mentally, you usually discover something you already know.
I'm putting my neck on the line now and going all-in short on Dow/FTSE/Dax and MKS (up on bid rumours this morning).

You may never hear from me again after this if it all goes horibbly wrong for me :cry: