anyone scalp without chart?


  • pl092308.PNG
    104.8 KB · Views: 616
Well done, Mr Black!

But this is only 6 intraday screenshots taken over a one month period. Maybe you could show us what happened on the other days?
Mr Black

I see on your dome you set up for 1 lot, trading many times through the day, is this right ?

And how much do you risk 0.50 to 1.50 points a trade, or more ?

The only scalping u can do without charts is tapereading, something not anyone can do and takes
a long time to get good at. If ther reason for not using charts is expenses then i would recomnd Sierracharts, cost only 25 usd and have everything u can imagine. Works very good with Infinity futures.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy
Short move / intra day

small box manual p&f chart works fine with Dom or price alone, just a matter of adjusting box size for your market

5 pt works well for ftse even in todays conditions and its effortless once you get used to using them.

Mind will hold and update in the background after a bit

I find real time charts a bit of a distraction, even misleading, I found its easy to get very reactive with live charts ticking............ just me I guess 🙂

price being hit shows up very well with this method also, easy to miss with live charts etc etc etc 🙂

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Mr. Black, I think you are great. How you have a success rate so high?👍

Ummm.. We don't know anything about his success rate until he shows us a few more statements. All we know is he happened to be up 6k at some point on a particular day and he happened to be up a reasonable amount on 5 other days in the last month.

Come on, Mr Black!! Prove to us that you can actually do this and aren't just cherry picking what you want people to see.
Mr. Black still around? Interested in anyone that trades/scalps without charts, anyone else do this sort of trading?
Mr. Black still around? Interested in anyone that trades/scalps without charts, anyone else do this sort of trading?
I scalp without charts.. I trade news events. who is mr black and where has he gone ?
I scalp without charts.. I trade news events. who is mr black and where has he gone ?

Mr. Black is the guy whos been posting his results in this thread, I don't know him, I just wanted to ask him a few questions, but he doesn't seem to be around anymore.

What do you use to trade if you trade without charts? DOM? Would've thought trading news events without charts would be on edge??
I test my diagram today and this is the result ...thank you for your advice...:cheesy:
Is the left tape trades at Bid? and the right tape is trades at Offer? And you whited out the offers on the left and whited out the Bids on the right?
