The interesting thing about US stock trading is this. In days gone by many stocks would trade over a $100 and sometime later would have a share split bringing them down to about $40-$50.
For the US momentum day trader it was awful, you got very good at trading something that moved and then after the share split all the day traders deserted it and went elsewhere. It just dried up.
Then along came Google and refused to have a share split, up and up it went and other companies followed suit and didnt split. Consequently there are many stocks trading over a $100, which day traders have on their list and watch out for. One of which is MA.
Interestingly, I believe spread betting companies carried on making a dollar movement 100 points. So the upshot has been that your $200 stock can move 10% and it's 2,000 points. your $20 stock moves 10% and it's only 200 points.
Sneaky momentum traders being what they are, go and focus on stocks over a $100 because they know that is where the potential for strong dollar movement is. They get their stop to their entry point and play with the markets money. If it doesnt run they exit the trade. When they do run they know the momentum moves are likely to be very strong more than making up for any of the losses. That's the idea anyway.
The ES and YM just give potential direction. I packed up looking for longs becuse the ES rolled over as I mentioned in an earleir post. For spread bettors who read that it was worth a 100 points. I'm now watching for the market for the afternoon move, when or if it picks a good run I'll use a scanner that will give me the momentum stocks that can benefit.
I attach the rollover on the US markets that was worth 100 points.
Thank you for putting up with me today and letting me explain what I do for my trading. If you click on the word NAZ at the top of this post above my activar and click visit Naz's homepage you can read more about what I do and see my daily analysis on the ES. Now I have to get back to trading.