Anyone looking to coach me (for a fee)?

You and I may both trade purely off the reactions at levels of supply and demand but,

I may have a bigger appetitive for risk.
I may be greedier.
I may use a trend line here and there.
I might favour a tighter stop and more trades.
I might be after 400 points per week whilst you are content with 20.
I might prefer holding for a day or two whilst you only an hour.

I may have my eyes on trading till I can afford a 40ft yacht, the next man just wanting to pay the bills and afford presents for the kids.

There are so many variables in not only how one trades, but also ones goals, risk appetite, targets, wants and needs. Not to mention all the markets on offer....

This partly negates the point of forums too as most new threads will head in the direction of finding one particular final answer when there is no such thing. Someone comes along and will state emphatically you must do X, Y or Zee which, for one person is perfect, another useless. Take stops for just one example banded about constantly.

End of the day, there is no definitive way as everyone is different and thus, the best path to success, IMO, is doing it all yourself.

That is one of if not even the best post on trading I've ever read !!!

Verbal Rep as I can't hand you out any more at the mo, and muchas gracias for yours 🙂
Just guessing, but is Staines where the famous SST, the Spanish School of Trading is headquartered ?

I am a reasonably succesful property investor (£3m portfolio in 12 months) in the Sheffield area.

I am looking for a succesful share trader to teach me HOW TO MAKE MONEY from the stock market. I would say I am a novice although I have traded covered calls (badly).

Preferably looking for someone in the South Yorkshire area. Ideally I could provide property investment coaching in return. Alternatively name your price.


apart from Newtron Bombs thread, where you can get on-line help regularly along with a clearly defined technique, you might want to join the "Technical Trader" private forum, where Grey1 shows methods of trading strong/weak stocks.

This advice is FREEly given. This is because he makes enough money through trading that he doesnt need yours!!
(he is due to give a real-time seminar, but you need to put the effort into understanding his methods to get the most out of it. also, many followers of his methods help each other out as well. for NOTHING.)
You're right everyone is different.

I think of trading like this 50% analysing skill and 50% trading skill, which at times goes up and down depending on the situation.

I made weeks money in 15 min on Monday on the US open in a live US online trading room calling the moves as I went, using 85% trading skill and 15% analysis.

Yesterday I stopped trading after an hour and used 80% analysis and 20% trading skill.

Many, many of us might have the same or similar analysis skills but it's the trading skills where I believe the key is found and where everyone shows their own personality.

By watching other trading styles we can can adjust our trading tolerances and this is where the biggest improvement can be found.

Stepping things up and pushing slightly out of our comfort zone with the trading skills helps an awful lot. That's what I had to do.
Why Diversify?

If you've built up a £3 million property portfolio why do you want to get involved in trading?
Anyway if your looking a real good mentor I recommend Simon Grinter who holds a live daily buy/sell session, hold seminars in London and now has a managed account facility.

I am a reasonably succesful property investor (£3m portfolio in 12 months) in the Sheffield area.

I am looking for a succesful share trader to teach me HOW TO MAKE MONEY from the stock market. I would say I am a novice although I have traded covered calls (badly).

Preferably looking for someone in the South Yorkshire area. Ideally I could provide property investment coaching in return. Alternatively name your price.

If you've built up a £3 million property portfolio why do you want to get involved in trading?
Anyway if your looking a real good mentor I recommend Simon Grinter who holds a live daily buy/sell session, hold seminars in London and now has a managed account facility.

pathtowealth - all your posts reccommed Simon Grinter. I put it to you that your posts are

Sorry if you take this attitude Hoggums. I've posted on threads where people have asked recommendations etc so I can only say how I've found a good mentor.
Oh yeah ?

As in I woulda-coulda-shoulda been a trading millionaire if my next door neighbour hadn't crashed her car into my favourite park bench thereby triggering a set of events that began with a butterfly landing on a friends desk in Hong Kong and terminated with my blowing up my account several times in a row so I had to start teaching trading for a change ?

Lets see an audited account statement then which I'm sure he has like all his peers in the immense number of good, talented, net profitable and above all magnanimous trading teachers out there.

I mean, everbody knows that, everbody does that, right ?

You want to make a fortune trading, you just need to pick and choose a good trading self-appointed guru dishing out wisdom in exchange for your hard earned cash ?

.......... with a butterfly landing on a friends desk in Hong Kong and terminated with my blowing up my account ?

Funnily enough, I had a butterfly land on my desk once when I was working at a brokers in Hong Kong.

Didn't help. Didn't hurt either.
Funnily enough, I had a butterfly land on my desk once when I was working at a brokers in Hong Kong.

Didn't help. Didn't hurt either.

may not have helped you, but you may be responsible for blowing an account of someone in Frinton-on-Sea!!

did you swipe at it from left-to-right, or right-to-left?
or squish it from above?
somebodys account may depend upon your answer!

EDIT: I am SO BORED I cannot fully verbalise my cosmic sense of in-between-tradeness.

EDIT2: GJ is similarly afflicted as I.
Wasp, they wrote a book about that experience of yours, they're now thinking of making a movie out of that next.


I actually picked it up with a pencil and took it to the window. Maybe should have crushed it and someone in Staines may have had a better chance!
I actually picked it up with a pencil and took it to the window.

That's my method and then I go on to celebrate my oneness with the Universe with great joy and energy and maybe the odd beer or so later in the evening.

All of which combined has the added benefit of providing one good person from Staines with a momentary lull in his drawdowns, allwong him to go on a spending spree.

That's my method and then I go on to celebrate my oneness with the Universe with great joy and energy and maybe the odd beer or so later in the evening

Thinks of all those hurricanes you've caused by saving those butterflies!!
They did, but the durex was faulty and he got through anyway.

P.s. I'm bored out of my skull as well. Is there anything, anywhere today worth trading?
Only had a few crumbs today.

Blimy just as I typed that cable had a 80+ jolt. Lets see if the p/back occurs for an entry,
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They did, but the durex was faulty and he got through anyway.

P.s. I'm bored out of my skull as well. Is there anything, anywhere today worth trading?
Only had a few crumbs today.

spoke too soon.
whopping spikes everywhere (Dow, SPX, FTSE, GBPUSD, EURUSD). staying away till tomorrow.

never has "better to be out wishing you were in...." been truer.