Anyone know anything about Marcus De Maria?

I bought M de M videos as cheaper option. This is NOT a good course for beginners. To make money you would need to spend another £3K doing another course with him. It's funnel technique. They get you in at one end, then sell you another product then another. This stuff is too advanced for beginners, plus he is not the person to get it across. He also runs an affiliate scheme that pays something like £500 for anyone who recommends him and gets a lead - beware! It is all about money. I know 4 others who mistakenly did his course (against my advice). All thought it was a complete waste of money.
I bought M de M videos as cheaper option. This is NOT a good course for beginners. To make money you would need to spend another £3K doing another course with him. It's funnel technique. They get you in at one end, then sell you another product then another. This stuff is too advanced for beginners, plus he is not the person to get it across. He also runs an affiliate scheme that pays something like £500 for anyone who recommends him and gets a lead - beware! It is all about money. I know 4 others who mistakenly did his course (against my advice). All thought it was a complete waste of money.

well he is a millionnaire and is financincially secured - so he says
i got an email from Chritopher Howard companies, they are now promoting Marcus
guess become a guru if you want to become a millionnaire
Just seen his website and guess what there's the photo of a lovely villa with a sun drenched swimming pool 🙂

Proof, if it was needed that this guy is selling dreams to the niave. By all means go on his course but if after 6-12 months you aren't getting the results you thought you would or haven't created 'a second income' then only blame yourself.

PS. And of the 'proven' methods to cranking out 3%-7% per month are anything to do with traded options then beware because I'm telling you it's just not possible and you're being taken for a ride.
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Hi Anley,

what do you think of Online Trading Academy (OTA), they are an US company with a franchise in Watford and have a wide reange of instructors and also they say you can take their course as many times as you wish but pay for it only once (ofcourse this is dependant on the amount of times the course is run), anyway let me know what you think.


Just seen his website and guess what there's the photo of a lovely villa with a sun drenched swimming pool 🙂

Proof, if it was needed that this guy is selling dreams to the niave. By all means go on his course but if after 6-12 months you aren't getting the results you thought you would or haven't created 'a second income' then only blame yourself.

PS. And of the 'proven' methods to cranking out 3%-7% per month are anything to do with traded options then beware because I'm telling you it's just not possible and you're being taken for a ride.

I don't know anything about them but would be wary if they mention 'create a second income' or 'quit the rat race' etc. Basically be wary of anyone that tells you that you can easily make great money in the markets. 90%+ fail, with or without training and that figure is widely known and respected.

By all means pay for courses, I have done so myself and got my monies worth but the people I've seen never promised anything apart from a good education. Plus the courses I've paid for have all been less than £500.

If you look at all the expensive courses you'll see that at heart they all rely on heavy marketing and telling people what they want to hear. So if someone tells you 'you won't get rich quick' or 'work hard, spend a few years learning the game and you've got a chance' then those are the people you want to listen to rather than the 'make 5% a month for 2 hours work a week' mob.

Those people are akin to a Golf teacher saying 'come on my (very expensive) course and you'll be able to beat Nick Faldo within a month'. Nobody would believe a Golf instructor who said that but many believe that they can get better results than the world's best traders by taking a weekend course!
Hi Anley, thanks for the reply, can you teel of some of the courses which you have been on and what ones you recommend?



I don't know anything about them but would be wary if they mention 'create a second income' or 'quit the rat race' etc. Basically be wary of anyone that tells you that you can easily make great money in the markets. 90%+ fail, with or without training and that figure is widely known and respected.

By all means pay for courses, I have done so myself and got my monies worth but the people I've seen never promised anything apart from a good education. Plus the courses I've paid for have all been less than £500.

If you look at all the expensive courses you'll see that at heart they all rely on heavy marketing and telling people what they want to hear. So if someone tells you 'you won't get rich quick' or 'work hard, spend a few years learning the game and you've got a chance' then those are the people you want to listen to rather than the 'make 5% a month for 2 hours work a week' mob.

Those people are akin to a Golf teacher saying 'come on my (very expensive) course and you'll be able to beat Nick Faldo within a month'. Nobody would believe a Golf instructor who said that but many believe that they can get better results than the world's best traders by taking a weekend course!
Marcus de Maria

HI Pat,

I just did his weekend course called Wealth Workout and it was brilliant! Highly recommended.. so, yes, he's fine to go with.

HI Pat,

I just did his weekend course called Wealth Workout and it was brilliant! Highly recommended.. so, yes, he's fine to go with.


So tell us how many millions has your wealth increased by since you did his course?

You recommend a course or tutor after you have positively gained from it not because of the way the course was presented.
HI Pat,

I just did his weekend course called Wealth Workout and it was brilliant! Highly recommended.. so, yes, he's fine to go with.


So funny :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

'Financial Freedom' can be your with my new, never revealed before financial secrets - the ones the 'pros' don't want you to know.

IN FACT some people have begged me NOT to reveal them! :cheesy::cheesy:
So Gamma,

who's to say that I didn't positively gain from it? I recommend them because I did positively gain from it.. no, I'm not a millionaire yet, but I only did it 2 days ago so give me a break.. sometimes there's more to life than just getting money as a reward, and if you cant see that then well.. what are you doing?
And also, why so cynical?

So tell us how many millions has your wealth increased by since you did his course?

You recommend a course or tutor after you have positively gained from it not because of the way the course was presented.
Okay, so you guys are cynical... obviously this is the way you approach everything in your life and I'm pretty sure that yourlife refelcts this.

And btw, they didn't say anything of the sort.. so get your facts straight before saying something about something you know nothing about? Get that? Rather be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

So funny :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

'Financial Freedom' can be your with my new, never revealed before financial secrets - the ones the 'pros' don't want you to know.

IN FACT some people have begged me NOT to reveal them! :cheesy::cheesy:
So Gamma,

who's to say that I didn't positively gain from it? I recommend them because I did positively gain from it.. no, I'm not a millionaire yet, but I only did it 2 days ago so give me a break..

Cem, OK we'll give you a break, even I would admit that it's unreasonable for anyone taking this course to have made a million after just 2 days 🙂
So Gamma,

who's to say that I didn't positively gain from it? I recommend them because I did positively gain from it.. no, I'm not a millionaire yet, but I only did it 2 days ago so give me a break.. sometimes there's more to life than just getting money as a reward, and if you cant see that then well.. what are you doing?
And also, why so cynical?

Not here my dear,
The sole purpose of trading is financial reward.
If you want something other than financial reward from trading then don't trade.
The only gain that we want to see that your trading has improved to an extent where you are making more money.
About being cynical.
I am very cynical of courses, run mainly by failed traders
and by the way what do you coach/train in?

If you want to gain positively from a coach try someone like mr charts/naz
yes if you are any good you will gain positively (money)
What am I doing ?
trading making money instead of plugging silly courses
Okay, so you guys are cynical... obviously this is the way you approach everything in your life and I'm pretty sure that yourlife refelcts this.

And btw, they didn't say anything of the sort.. so get your facts straight before saying something about something you know nothing about? Get that? Rather be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Dear cemante,
please don't label everyone at T2W as cynics based on my views.
I am afraid a lot of us have very negative views about people who charge for something that can be obtained for free.
Its not to say that there are no doubt good coaches and courses to name but 2 Naz and Mr charts.
I just looked at the website of the person you recommend.
nowhere does he say he will trade live to prove his techniques and even then 3 to 6 % a month. and being charged for it (how much will you pay me to trade live in front of you and show you a 20% return a month)
Any good trader worth his salt would laugh at that amount.

However good luck and good trading to you.
So if one were to go on this mans course with the discount 2000 pounds plus vat it will take you 6 to 7 months to get a return on the money spent on the course provided you always get the 6 percent a month on a 5000 pound investment.
Then you have tss42 blatantly showing off about how to make money from courses.
and people still go.
I think I am in the wrong business I think I will stop being altruistic and start charging people to show them how to really trade and make 20% not a lousy 3 to 6%.
I might just do that and put all these snake oil salesmen out of business.
PattyB , Let me tell you from actull exprience of Marcus de Maria...I've been on his Wealth workout (not the trading senimar). He is indeed ethical , decent man. I gained a lot of knowlegde from his work shop and there is a meeting every month in London for graduates and also a weekley phone senimar both conduted by himself...I lot of pressure to be putting yourself under if you're going to be ripping people off. I know thre are lots of scammers out there and i don't blame anley for being skepical but believe it not there are a few good guys too...hard to find..Marucus De Maria is one of them so well done!
I actually went to a guy in the US by the name of Tom Rice. This guy was great!!! Didn't try to sell anything in the seminar but certainly knew how to me to look deep within myself to find whats keeping me from being successful. That was three months ago and I haven't had a losing day since!! Rumor has it that he will begin conducting these seminars all over Europe. When that day comes, I going back again.
Reply to 4everatrader

I actually went to a guy in the US by the name of Tom Rice. This guy was great!!! Didn't try to sell anything in the seminar but certainly knew how to me to look deep within myself to find whats keeping me from being successful. That was three months ago and I haven't had a losing day since!! Rumor has it that he will begin conducting these seminars all over Europe. When that day comes, I going back again.

Do you have any contact info on this person? I'm interested in finding out more about him. Thanks