Anyone know anything about Marcus De Maria?

His mission for the Wealth Workout, his wealth creation course, is to ‘Help people around the world create wealth in their lives for themselves and their families. Marcus devotes his weekends helping mainly beginners learn how to make money in US stock market. Since 2003 he has taught thousands of people about the US stock market and hundreds of people in his highly interactive, computer based stock market workshops for beginners.
These people have seriously annoyed me.

I have an e-mail string following attendance at one of their single-day seminars that makes very interesting reading. I have asked them reasonable questions and they are now refusing to respond to me and say that THEY are putting MY e-mails into their spam folder. Should be the other way around although it's academic as I somehow don't think they will be daring to correspond with me again.

In view of the fact that they refuse to deal with my issues I am looking to post the e-mail string somewhere so that other people can see what they are like. Does anybody here have any knowledge of the best way to publicise that, and at the very least would there be any objection to my posting the e-mail string here?


He's offering seminars at Make Money Trading | Investment Mastery |

Does anyone know about him or his seminars?



Had a look............the 400 page waffle / blurb so familiar in this style of selling put me off and raised the alarm bells

lots of Testimonials though of smiling people .....unusual that one I have to admit .........

you will learn nothing you cannot learn for free Free elsewhere by research and hard work - I guarantee 😉

mind you neither does one of my Websites due to a despute with the Service providers !
Re: Marcus Investment Mastery Course

...No hype or ra ra just sensible advice
In the light of recent critics of Secker and Winters etc you may be interested to know its a 2 day couse max 20 participants all with computer screen access to show exactly how to trade in a demo platform format. Options and covered calls on US market with 4 simple strategies aimed at a consistent 3% to 5% a month.
If you somehow think that "consistent 3% to 5% a month" is sensible and "no hype or ra ra", you got another think coming. Like many people have said a number of times, it doesn't take more than basic arithmetic to conclude that the sales pitch is bunch of bullsh1t.
Ha - I'm the most sceptical person. But was approached by phone. 15 years ago, I stopped "dabbling" and swore I would never trade again, until I had the proper education. Long story short - its all about your mindset - and resetting your financial dial ( Harv Eker). Yeah , be a cynic. But in the corona virus "meltdown" 2 weeks after I'd been on the course - I pulled £1000 out of the market on Tesla - my net worth ? was minus £2000. No house. Its all about mindset - which nowadays Marcus focusses more on. (No affiliation.) My existing trades up £1500 +. I don't care what you think, I don't care what you say. His approach to change YOU, and your mindset fucking works!