anyone heard of London Global Investments

The truth hurts. I'll have a copy of the certificate tomorrow from the CFA. Never make damaging incorrect statements without doing your home work. LGI solicitors will be in touch with trade 2 win on receipt of the certificate. Like I said only real men turn up. Hope to see you soon.

This post indicates that you are part of LGI, hmmmmmmm, a different light now that we know you are not the inquiring potential student.

Please bring on the solicitor and we will see how real you are...

I think you owe pboyles a sincere apology for calling him names....
Nice bit of backtracking there. You said he had the level 3 qualification, I pointed out he was not on the register and that in fact the LGI website said 'candidate' and not qualified.

If I started an MBA tomorrow I'd be an MBA candidate, it doest mean I can say I have an MBA.

You said that Rahul Khanna is not registered with CFA attacking the company for what reason? This is your statement the company is say he is saying he is a candidate for level 3 witch means he has completed level you need permission from the candidate to obtain his record witch I have! If it turns out that you are incorrect and I post his results will you retract your statement and apologies?

Also Mr Mike Murphy CEO of Novus capital is eager to discuss your comments I think yiu should be available for a meeting with the company re you attack on these people when can you make it?
And as for me saying I'm on the course it clearly means enrolled on the course for Feb. Your instigating a pointless argument on this matter haven't you got anything better to do! your very sad mr boyles. - I look forward to your answer on my last post and will be a witness should the company decide to pursue you for defamation of character.
This post indicates that you are part of LGI, hmmmmmmm, a different light now that we know you are not the inquiring potential student.

Please bring on the solicitor and we will see how real you are...

I think you owe pboyles a sincere apology for calling him names....

I have an employment contract effective of Feb I am defending the company as you would yours.

I will not be needing a solicitor thank you! - suggest you take advice yourself

I have a question for you, a very simple one. Not an allegation or accusation, just a simple question. Perhaps you can answer it without having to threaten us with your solicitors. Is Rahul Khanna involved with the International School of Business Studies in London?

I've just read your other posts made overnight, you seem to be on a bit of a roll. Regarding the CFA qualification you originally said that Rahul Khanna held the level 3 qualification. You are now saying he is a candidate for the qualification. Those are two different things, I think I previously pointed out that the LGI website said 'candidate' and that it was in your previous posts that you claimed he was qualified. On the date I posted about it he did not appear on the CFA register.

You've tried to promote the company by saying you were already on the course (which turned out not to be true) and that the head trainer had the level 3 CFA (which he didnt according to the register on the date you made the claim). Now you are threatening everybody with legal action. No doubt you will get T2W to delete this thread as it didnt turn out the way you planned. I think that says it all, rather than LGI explaining these discrepancies you are going to seek to have the discussion deleted.

If you do that and you will be joining a very distinguished list of companies who seek to suppress public scrutiny of their controversial activities, TCA Markets, Knowledge to Action, LTG Goldrock and Mike Baghdady to name but a few.


Tradesupport = LGI.

Brilliant work PBoyles
There are many posts in many forums where someone will use 'Have you ever heard of.......... blah blah' as a way to promote the place.

And I guess that is because they are not able to disclose their purpose as they have not the means to pay for advertising.

In this instance it went bad because someone did some research and asked a couple questions which couldn't be answered truthfully.

And then the confirmations came when the legal crap was mentioned.

Now, instead of the legal crap, some dude wants to meet the people.

Next the king is going to be involved, and then after that there is going to be a galactic crisis and the sun will go dark.

The dawning of the big bang era is upon us.

Tradesupport, I tried to war you. You now look like a prat and as for your company - pleeeeeeeease don't sue me 😆 - nobody is going to touch it with a barge pole.

Don't bother threatening pboyles, just move on. You look more like an idiot, and your company looks more disreputable, with every post.

Total and utter pillock.

To pboyles: You da MAN! 👍
Tradesupport, I tried to war you. You now look like a prat and as for your company - pleeeeeeeease don't sue me 😆 - nobody is going to touch it with a barge pole.

Don't bother threatening pboyles, just move on. You look more like an idiot, and your company looks more disreputable, with every post.

Total and utter pillock.

To pboyles: You da MAN! 👍

I didn't realize when you made the first post how tenacious pboyles was going to be..

I am not too familiar with conditions in that jurisdiction, I just want to know if I can bring a cushion to sit on in the court room and can I wear my old T shirt when I meet the main big daddy dude as I spilled coffee on my shirt when I burst out laughing when I read that post...😕
To be honest it was 10 minutes work. I knew something was up when he said 'I'm on the course' as we already knew the company was only formed a few days earlier. The problem is these guys learn about 'viral marketing' and think they can promote something for free. That's OK so long as you stick to the facts. Once you start claiming a bit more than you can actually substantiate and you get called on it then you end up damaging the company rather than promoting it. Threatening legal action is really just a way of saying 'I give up'. If I was ever to advise a company about avoiding bad publicity on public forums I'd tell them two things. Firstly don't ever lie because someone will see through it, secondly if you have already been caught out then shut up and hope the fuss dies down. Threatening people will be totally counterproductive.
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I wonder if the administrators of the board would be able to index the threads where there is a lot of good material on a long term basis and identify them as training threads or educational threads so that someone looking for ideas, especially a newcomer, could start to go through those in order...

There is so much good material in this board that is not easily seen due to the number of threads, some of which are out of sight because no one has posted to them for a couple years.

I have a question for you, a very simple one. Not an allegation or accusation, just a simple question. Perhaps you can answer it without having to threaten us with your solicitors. Is Rahul Khanna involved with the International School of Business Studies in London?

I have just spoken with my lecturer and yes he has previously worked for the International school of business studies he now contracts for LGI as a lecturer and developer and also works for a company called tradermade. A deal is being completed today to bring a guy called Paddy Osborn to develop the traders. The quality this company is providing is excellent. I’m sure you will do you homework Mr Boyles. Are you attending the open day? It seem you have interest in bringing the company down for reasons unbeknowed to me at the moment im sure t will come to light soon.
I have just spoken with my lecturer and yes he has previously worked for the International school of business studies he now contracts for LGI as a lecturer and developer and also works for a company called tradermade. A deal is being completed today to bring a guy called Paddy Osborn to develop the traders. The quality this company is providing is excellent. I’m sure you will do you homework Mr Boyles. Are you attending the open day? It seem you have interest in bringing the company down for reasons unbeknowed to me at the moment im sure t will come to light soon.

hmmmmmm I guess he cant trade or get a steady job....
I have just spoken with my lecturer and yes he has previously worked for the International school of business studies he now contracts for LGI as a lecturer and developer and also works for a company called tradermade. A deal is being completed today to bring a guy called Paddy Osborn to develop the traders. The quality this company is providing is excellent. I’m sure you will do you homework Mr Boyles. Are you attending the open day? It seem you have interest in bringing the company down for reasons unbeknowed to me at the moment im sure t will come to light soon.

I seriously doubt I will fly to the UK for your open day. I have no interest in bringing your company down, you were the one that started this dialogue when you posted misleading information eg 'I'm on the course'. You have to realise that T2W isn't a soft touch for this sort of amateur effort. Someone kindly told you to just drop it and disappear, that was good advice that you ignored.
Avoiding the facts again Mr Boyle! You not man enough to face the people you disregard!! Shameful good luck in you bitter a twisted life! I'll be happy to meet you in person. But as I have said previously only real men turn up!

I never disappear Mr. Boyles especially not from fools like you and your followers im available anytime you know where to find me.
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Maybe you missed the bit about me not being in the UK. Do you seriously think I'd pay several hundred euros to come to your open day?
Avoiding the facts again Mr Boyle! You not man enough to face the people you disregard!! Shameful good luck in you bitter a twisted life! I'll be happy to meet you in person. But as I have said previously only real men turn up!

I never disappear Mr. Boyles especially not from fools like you and you followers im available anytime you know where to find me.

Where, New Broad Street is it?