Anyone has experience with mobile broadband near Liverpool Street?


Established member
I now am too often in that area and I cant use local network to access my home PC.

I want a reliable connection by air at about 40kbps speed. For security reasons I dont want to use free City Wi-fi.

I tried to use my Orange phone but its data service really suck. Although the phone shows 3G+ it takes 1min to download one email with several connection faults.

Had anyone problem like mine? What would be a solution? Shall I try other networks mobile broadbands or is it something wrong with the actual location? Or if I access Orange data through laptop dongle it will work much better?
I would recommend you set up a VPN to your connection at home and do use the cloud or some similar wi fi service, will be quicker than even properly working mobile broadband...
Hi Maxima, I live in Hoxton/Shoreditch area. I use a 3 Broadband dongle, due to all the blocks in this area. Hope this helps...
I now am too often in that area and I cant use local network to access my home PC.

I want a reliable connection by air at about 40kbps speed. For security reasons I dont want to use free City Wi-fi.

I tried to use my Orange phone but its data service really suck. Although the phone shows 3G+ it takes 1min to download one email with several connection faults.

Had anyone problem like mine? What would be a solution? Shall I try other networks mobile broadbands or is it something wrong with the actual location? Or if I access Orange data through laptop dongle it will work much better?

Hi Max - I work near liverpool st - I use a t-mobile pay as you go dongle - works a treat.
thank you guys. I think I am going to try T-mobile, 3 and vodafone one by one. I think most if not all are offering 14 days return.

Arabian.. there is no doubt that wifi connection will be faster and more reliable. the problem is that windows (and I use windows since its birth and I hate linux) is a pure black hole in security. you should be a skilled IT engineer and be always on alert to keep it water-tight.

One mistake and your system is hacked faster than you say "f@ck!". The hacker would not necesserely understand the value of the information but he will sell it further and sooner or later it will find someone who would.

That speed doesnt worth the risk believe me.