Anyone else trying ForexTradeAlarms?I


Junior member
I read about this signal service from a trusted newsletter, and decided to give it a go on demo. I was up 290 pips for the last half of April, and missed even more from the first half. I am suspicious of signal services and trade advisers, but I must say I am optimistic about them. They trade four pairs, with all trades placed at 7:00 pm et. Is anyone else demoing them or even trading live? I would be curious to know if your results are similar to mine...
I don't use them but If they don't offer a free trial, (which I don't think they do) I wouldn’t touch them. I know they will give you excuses of how good their service is and all that but without a trial you are throwing your money away.
I use a similar signal service and they were free for 4 months at the beginning plus they offered me a 14 day free trial no questions asked before I subscribed, I didn't even have to give them any credit card details for the free trial.
I hope that helps.
Thanks for the advice, but they are only charging $99 a month, and I have paid that just for a 2 week demo before. The price doesn't bother me in the least....

In any event, I had two winners last night: 125 pips on the AUD/JPY and 115 pips on the GBP/USD. Also have a GBP/JPY trade open that is positive and a new trade tonight that is currently 25 pips positive too.....well worth $99 to me.
I didn't trade this past week because of some health issues, but I am up 615 pips from last week alone. I feel that is well worth the $99 a month... 🙂
Things were quiet this past week, there was one trade that broke even. So I am still up 615 pips. There are regular updates to the members area, with some manual systems I am demoing.
Kind of a busy week for me, but wanted to update my results. There were 4 trades last week, 2 winners and 2 losers, but I ended up with 65 pips positive. There have been 4 trades tonight, and they are doing well so far...keeping fingers crossed...
What are the average stops this signal service suggests? What is the RR ratio?

Can you give me an example of a trade?