Did anyone trade NASDAQ 100 today?


I am suspicious that I got stopped out intentionally.

It was between about 18:45-19:00 GMT, I was stopped out at 4680,with the absolute low during this period at 4680. I checked some other intraday charts like on Yahoo, and it doesn't show the price hitting the 80 mark during this period of time. The Yahoo chart shows a low point around the 4682ish level.

Does anyone else have intraday charts on their spreadbetting account they'd like to check for me please.

THank you.
Hard luck i see 4679.30 at fxcm , you have to counter for the spread .
Yes but accounting for the spread, if the lowest point on the Yahoo chart is 4681.6, then if true, the lowest accounting for the spread would then be 4681.1, (+/- 0.5), which means I should not have got stopped out. I set the stop loss at 4680, which means I would've been stopped out had the price hit 4680.5 or below.

Also, I tried changing the chart from candlesticks to a line chart, whereas the line chart shows at the spreadbetting platform shows a bottom at 4681, the lowest point on the candlestick was 4680. The Yahoo chart was a line chart, but still shows a lowest point at 4681.6, so I am still suspicious I may have been stopped out intentionally.

To back up this price discrepancy suspicion, I was cross-checking the Yahoo price, with the Spreadbettors price, and about 2 hours period after the open thereabouts, the high price logged by the Yahoo site was about 2 points higher, than the highest candlestick point on the spreadbetting platform. This was true for the period from the open and until about 2 hours after.

So if they can move the price by a couple points to stop someone out intentionally, have they really got a motivation to do so if they could, I mean, what would they gain from it, they only make money from the spread difference don't they and other stuff like financing charges?
They didnt move it to stop you out , yahoo charts aren't credible for indices let alone a line chart . Add to that brokers derive their cash index prices from futures +- fair value .
ok, thanks.

I see anyway that both yours went lower than at mine, so that's all I wanted to confirm really, that the price did actually go lower than 4680.

L on Capital Spreads chart (using mid-prices) for 1845-1900 yesterday was 4680.6. Their spread at time of writing is jumping between 0.4 and 1.0, so appears you wouldn't have been stopped according to Caps' system. Then again, with a possibly different entry price you might have placed the stop higher if trading Caps.
That Capital Spreads quote seems more accurate, and maybe truer. True if spread was 1 point, I would've not got stopped out. Seems strange that at Barjon's broker went as low as 79.1, there is obviously some price discrepancy going on between different brokers.

What do you mean tomorton by saying "Then again, with a possibly different entry price you might have placed the stop higher if trading Caps."?
"Then again, with a possibly different entry price you might have placed the stop higher if trading Caps"

I would've set the stop loss at exactly 4680, whichever broker I was with. I got in at 4660, set the limit at 4690, moved the stop to 4680 when the price was around 4686ish. Seems I would've not got stopped at Capital Spreads, but would've at the other brokers mentioned.
What I mean is, if Caps quote is consistently higher than your regular source you might not have taken the entry price they quoted in the first place. It depends on the trade but we obviously haven't heard yet if this was a quick 5pt "scalp" or a longer-term long of some hundreds of pts.
Actually, I set an order to buy at 4660, I don't buy at market price, I set orders, so regardless of which broker it is, then I would've bought at 4660.

I got in at 4660, with an initial target of 4690, when the price was hovering around 4685-4686, I moved my stop loss to 4680, and got stopped out. This was not a scalp, I was in the trade for a good couple hours.
Actually, I set an order to buy at 4660, I don't buy at market price, I set orders, so regardless of which broker it is, then I would've bought at 4660.

I got in at 4660, with an initial target of 4690, when the price was hovering around 4685-4686, I moved my stop loss to 4680, and got stopped out. This was not a scalp, I was in the trade for a good couple hours.

At 14:17 on Finspreads they are quoting US Tech 100 DFT 4677.8 - 4670.8. What that tells me is you are tightening too quickly. Generally Finspreads increment SPX in 0.3 fractions and NDX 1.0 unless its volatile!
What are you talking about pigbear, you're quoting me today's price, this thread is about yesterday's price. spread is 3 points when markets shut, and 1 point when open. At the time in question the market was open. Ok, the stop loss may have been tight, at the price i set it, but I still locked in 2/3 of my target profit. The point being raised is that I got stopped out at 4680 at 18:47GMT, and we have found some price discrepancy of a couple points between different brokers, and it would appear that I would've not been stopped out with Capital Spreads, because the lowest their price went at time was 4680.6, which would have missed my stop by 0.1 point! Yes the stop was tight, but I would've took profits at 4680, than if say the price went up to 88, then dropped back to 75.