Anyone else spread betting UK shares? Join me here.

I've moved this to the thread below as it might be in a better place...

ADS Securities. They have very tight spreads on Forex (and everything it seems) but they are a bit more prone to slippage so it's swings and roundabouts.

I've looked into it and Pepperstone are offering spread betting on UK equities through MT5. Not wild about 5 over 4 as I can code for mt4 no problem but OOP on mt5 fries my head. They have some commodities too which I like.
I believe FXCM are decent for the UK too
I will double check, maybe the UK equities are CFD's? It's a spread betting account though so it should be tax free still. I'll ask the broker the question.
Probably best to ask that question BEFORE you trade, otherwise you might find yourself with a large tax bill 5 years down the line.
I'm sure it isnt taxable, and I guess you knew that already but bigdeal put a little doubt in your mind. 😉
Probably best to ask that question BEFORE you trade, otherwise you might find yourself with a large tax bill 5 years down the line.
I'm sure it isnt taxable, and I guess you knew that already but bigdeal put a little doubt in your mind. 😉
Personally, if I make enough money to get a large tax bill, I would be happy haha